




Master Fighter (285)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years

Snake EyesCritical Block!OverachieverPride - Demisexual
06-18-2023, 03:38 PM

The call for claiming the land that had belonged to another pack rang across the land and reached Tove’s ears. She is a broken woman whose life has little meaning since the death of her brother and, if she hadn’t pledged her services to Kotori, the scarred wolf would not even be around. There had been a moment of hope months ago when she had run into Víðarr and vented her feelings to him and he had held her, loved her and then slipped away from her again. It was too much for the woman and she has been broken hearted and alone since that day.

Hiding away in Valta’s lands and nursing her shattered heart, the woman sullenly waits for the day she can leave this mortal plane. Yet, as the call fades, some unseen force urges her to go and watch the claiming. Tove moves slowly, feeling that there is no need to rush since she hardly cares about… anything. Because of this, she arrives to a battle already underway and her duel-toned eyes find a monochrome woman locked in battle with…

Her heart stops as do her paws and she sucks in a breath at the sight of the large Shadow, fighting to claim the pack. Emotions that she has fought to suppress for so long, slam into her again, stealing her breath and almost causing the woman to turns around and flee. The sight of the man who keeps giving her hope and then stealing it away is almost too much to handle and she feels her legs beginning to shake.

However, Tove is a loyal woman and she had promised the man that, if he ever did claim a pack, she would be there. It is a noble endeavor that he seeks to fulfill his promise of giving his family a home but it kills her to be here. With a soft sigh she angles herself to move behind him, offering her support while staying far away from any other wolves that are there. Settling onto her haunches, the woman sits straight backed, rigid and tense as she waits for the moment the fight is done so she can flee back to Valta.

"Tove Baade"

Tove is heavily scarred on her face, neck, and shoulders. Please note that none of her art depicts them but they are there.