
You Went Away


03-08-2013, 05:06 PM

It was another mistake to add to his list, as small as it was. It hadn't been a life-threatening mistake as Luna's had been, but it was a mistake all the same. He knew he shouldn't be too hard on himself, after all, what was life without a few mistakes on the way? Everyone made mistakes, he knew that, but in his eyes his mistakes were huge. He was just the type of guy to beat himself up for even upsetting someone, regardless if it had been on purpose or not. He never wanted to wrong another being like he had his little sister and so the ivory knight took each mistake to heart, unable to bear failing another creature.

And then Chrysanthe was speaking once again, forgiving Demonio and having put his mistake in the past. Crown was lifted, icy and maroon eyes following suit as he gazed at Chrys, her voice continuing to invade his audits as she spoke of knowing he had feelings for Des, which in fact he did, and that he was a catch, a nudge to his shoulders emphasizing her point. A light chuckle rumbled in his chest, his somber mood evaporating slowly as the clay-faced youth spoke of him returning to her to update her on how his conquest of his she-twin was going. Thank you Chrys. If you have put it in the past, then I will do the same. No use on lingering on it, I can't change it now. As for being a catch, I'm not too sure about that, but if you think so then I won't disagree. And of course, I'll keep you updated with everything that goes on between us. Hopefully soon I'll come to you with news of my new mate. He really hoped Des would be at his side soon for more than just company.

A warmth blossomed in his chest as she spoke up again of still wanting to get to know him, going as far as even calling him friend. A friend...his second friend on all of Alacritis. A pretty good one to boot. really see me as your friend? Slight disbelief colored his words. It was crazy that she wanted to still be friends with him after he had treated her so bad. But like she'd said earlier, it was in the past now; their becoming friends was them moving on. And then to his surprise he felt her kiss his cheek, an unexpected blush creeping across his cheeks, kissers curling into a half smile. Another light laugh errupted from his maw as she confirmed their lasting friendship, offering up a hunt for the king's wife and children. Demonio rose from the ground, ivory pelt shaken to loosen any collected debri, limbs carrying him forward a few paces ahead of her, nape arching to glance back at her. What will we be hunting my friend? he asked playfully, glad that he had fixed his situation with the young she-wolf.

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