
A bird so daring…

Summer 19 Fighting seasonal



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
06-20-2023, 08:18 AM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2023, 08:27 AM by Tachi. Edited 1 time in total.)
word count: 322

[Image: d39nwqw-e041f92d-eb72-4624-9185-e53aa720...bdBUyWKRFY]

It was a stubborn thing, Tachi was almost impressed by its determination to keep on going, to do what it wanted despite the circumstances. It really ought to cut its losses though, it'd gain nothing from this, it wasn't like the pup was small enough to eat...though maybe it'd be able to scoop him up in its claws. Tachi was sort of curious now. His ears perked as the pup squeaked, near demanded it leave him alone, which whist it was a fair thing to say and want he doubted the bird would listen to any form of reason. It was too late for that, it was beyond furious, for one reason or another.

If a warding snap wasn't enough to make it leave then Tachi supposed he could commit a little more, push to see what would be too much for the seafaring bird.

He lunged again, this time spinning on his foot in anticipation, knowing full well it would try and flap out of the way, gain some distance before leaning back in for another peck. Its eyes snapped wide when he followed its attack pattern, already had it worked out since there was only so much a bird could do, right? He grinned as he followed through, chasing it back, teeth snapping and growls rolling from his throat. It unfurled its talons, aiming to try and grab a hold of his muzzle, to clamp his mouth shut and deny him his bite. Smart, might have worked if Tachi hadn't been watching it so closely, learning every mood it made and using his keen sight to try and piece together what it might do next.

It let out a squawk of frustration, deciding that it'd had enough of Tachi and his knowing too much, and clearly smug about it attitude and so it made another dive for the pup, seemingly intent on claiming one of his horns as it's own.

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1. A bird so daring… Manatee Bay 08:27 AM, 05-19-2023 01:27 PM, 09-27-2023