
she only messed up a little




Advanced Fighter (105)

Advanced Intellectual (70)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Rapid Poster - BronzePride - Bisexual1K
06-22-2023, 08:16 AM


She was going to be big, and she was still a baby. Imagine this thing when it's fully grown, that'll be a sight. Like, a really wild and sorta unhinged sight, but a sight none the less. Hen leaves herself with one foot in the hole for now, still trying to gather herself. Get her bearings and all that... even if those bearings didn't seem to want to get got. Yeah, it seemed like they were evading capture. That's fine. Who needs to gather their bearings anyway, when she could just... lay... in... a hole? Maybe she should yell for Raka or Cos or dad. Or someone who could get dad. She'd wandered probably a bit too far off to actually have made good choices, but that was fine.

But someone else was here. Henbane wasn't alone for too long, that was a good thing. Who... hm. Stranger. It's a good thing she's sorta never met a stranger, actually. If you meet them, then they aren't strangers at all. That's how it should work, at least in the child's mind. She craned her head to look over at the other wolf. Small, smaller than any adult Hen had ever seen. She had to be another pup, right? Henbane squinted, her vision swimming momentarily. Wait, was her vision swimming or was the stranger... bouncing? For a moment, she closed her eyes, and then opened again. Small and green, the other girl was peering at her. Hen peered back.

"Shit, I coulda," her tone was apologetic. "I uh... I bit my tongue pretty hard. Also the leg that's in the hole fucken sucks." The words come out heavily accented, mashed together haphazardly. Henbane stuck her tongue out in an effort to inspect it, but she couldn't see it. It was hard to see much of anything from where she was, actually. She grumbled, rolling a bit in an effort to find footing with the sucky leg. Nope, okay, not quite yet. Hen would stay in the hole a little longer.

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[Image: EBzsphU.gif]