
Learning to fall



Master Healer (256)

Intermediate Navigator (45)


3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - PansexualSamhain 2022
06-22-2023, 04:22 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2023, 02:57 PM by Crux. Edited 2 times in total.)
[Location for Home Turf: Souls Sand Cove]

Crux usually avoided the cove, the last time he'd been here had been the celebration for their first year. But he should probably at least try and get over his avoidance of the beach right? It was a pack land after all and if he became a healer then he'd need to be able to get anywhere, you couldn't ever assume something would happen in a convenient place. Easier said than done. He stood at the edge of the solid ground before it started to become covered with the sharp and slippery rock shards that made up the sand of the cove. Crux closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, focusing on the gentle weight against his chest and the newer but still comforting feeling of the cuff on his foreleg. They helped to keep him centred, to remind him of happier times. He opened his eyes and took a tentative step out onto the sand.

Then another, another and- Well his paws seemed to deny him then, his back leg sliding painfully out to the side and Crux grunted, gritting his teeth in pain as he slowly dragged it back under his hips. It was so hard to feel stable on his paws when he couldn't be quite as quick as others, quite as controlled as others. He silently cursed Riya who had told him this was something he needed to do by himself and not rely on her. Honestly he'd rather not have to try and do this at all, but well... He knew he didn't get to just coast by, not him, never him. Crux sighed and kept slowly, agonizingly slowly, pushing himself forwards, having to stop frequently to readjust his stance and more than once having to catch himself before he fell... Which he thankfully hadn't done yet.


Art by TheStarvingRaven
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Crux has a 6 inch long burn scar on his throat, most of his art does not reflect this.