
Random Mini Event: Tremor me Timbers



Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (120)

4 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

06-22-2023, 05:19 PM

He'd been collecting a few ingredients in this cave. A few mushrooms, and a couple of other plants made for good flavor in his stews. He also needed a source of meat, and he preferred to hunt for his own instead of taking it from the pack's stores. He had gone into the cave earlier that morning, though hadn't gone too far inside knowing that were probably other creatures lurking within. Carrying a makeshift lantern he had gotten from a trader, he held it firmly in his jaws as he continued his search for some thyme, he felt something His ears flicked back as he listened but heard nothing.

Finally, after several more minutes, he found a cluster of thyme growing against a far wall of the cave. Approaching, Grim set his lantern down and went to collect some, and that's when everything suddenly changed. It began as a tremble, then before he knew it, a flash from within illuminated everything around him for a moment, and the cave began to stir. The tremble turned into shaking, causing the earthen Ancora to lose his balance and stumble to the ground. The cave began to fall around him, rocks loosening from their perches and falling to the ground. As he lurched to his feet, a rock was launched in his direction, slamming into his hind leg and sending him to the ground once more.

He heard the rumble and cacophony of animals that were taking refuge in the cave begin to move as well, and before he knew it, bears and bats and all sorts of things came flying out. Fur bristled in alarm, and with the lantern forgotten, he pulled himself to his feet once more and raced his way back the way he had come, following the other beasts as fast as his injured leg would allow now. The adrenaline coursed through him as he was practically shoulder to shoulder with animals whos species he had fought before, but right now? Everything was trying to get out and survive.

The opening of the cave grew closer, a bear pushed him aside with a thunderous roar as it ran to reach the exit first. Bats flew around him as they too, made their escape. Finally, Grim pressed on and raced out, heart hammering against his chest and among the flurry of bodies, he didn't notice two of his packmates at first until he was clear of the cave and turned around to see if maybe it had collapsed, but everything had gone quiet almost as soon as it had begun. Trying to catch his breath and process what had happened, he spotted Sirius and a mini-Sirius. "That...was unexpected..."
