
Singing in the Colours of Twilight


10-26-2013, 01:34 PM

A golden maiden wandered onto a bright moor, the colours of the setting sun turning her dusty brown pelt to a layer of pure flame. Bright grass green eyes scanned the horizon, watching the ever darkening sky begin to take over. A band of gold, thin around her ebony pupil, began to disappear as her eyes adjusted to the coming darkness. A lean, dancers frame was graced with her luxurious golden coat, thick and silky. The strangest part of her was her long tail, which she held curled at the tip to keep it from being dirtied by the ground. Her ears twitched back and forth, taking in the sounds of the land around her. Her cranium whipped around as a scent caught her attention, her body following suit as she turned swiftly to face the wolf that approached. She used her height as an advantage, straightening up to her full size. Her willowy frame was petite, she was built like a dancer, and it made her seem very nonthreatening. Her ears moved backwards in her unease, and a single lips lifted slightly to reveal the tip of her formidable canine. "Well hello. You are?" She asked, looking the stranger in the eyes, her own strange green one's making direct eye contact. Most wolves couldn't hold eye contact while talking, for a reason the golden woman didn't quite understand. She wanted to seem unafraid, yet in the inside she was terrified, she didn't want to get into a fight with anyone.

and this is how you hold a conversation