
Dial Tone



"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (684)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
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Dragon Mod

Festival OrganizerWealthyLegendaryHomebodyWinnerVengeance
Critical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - RainbowPride - Aromantic
SocialiteSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipScarredDouble MasterOoh La La
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
06-22-2023, 11:50 PM

She went over in her mind what she wanted to address in this meeting. Meetings weren't exactly her forte, but maybe if she called more, she'd get better at them. Eh, who had time for all that nonsense? Sure the pack needed routine meetings, but not frequent ones, right? At least, not unless there were things that happened that needed knowing, but so far, Insomnia didn't have many pressing issues. But definitely, things she wanted the others to know. The first to arrive was Ghoul, and right alongside him was the newest member, Cricket! Oh, and even Macabre!? She grinned when she saw the three of them and giggled when Cricket came up and licked her jaw. That was new for Medusa, nobody really touched her outside of fights, but she was getting used to physical contact that didn't involve fighting since she had her kids, and it seemed she'd be getting plenty with Cricket. Which in all honesty, was plenty fine for her! “Looking forward to the meeting, Medusa,” She grinned at Ghoul, tail beating the earth for a moment before she responded. "Yes, Medusa is excited. Lots of things to tell!" She exclaimed as her paws tippy-tapped the stone beneath her feet.

Next to arrive was the red man that reminded her of the other red man. She hadn't seen much of him if at all since he joined, and she squinted at him as he took a seat. She tsked a time or two, her tippy-tappy paws going still before her attention was promptly drawn to Morticia. One of her most colorful and most excitable children had laid a rabbit at her feet, and Medusa made it a point to show how excited and proud she was of her daughter's efforts! "Medusa loves this! We will share it for lunch and make things with it after the meeting, promise!" Mother and daughter bonding time in the strangest of ways, absolutely! Enki shows up next, and he doesn't look happy. At all. Though Medusa expected as much since Enki is a Curse...and although he was in a bit of a precarious position, Medusa has a soft spot for the young boy. She returns Enki's greeting with a nod of her own, a slight wag of her tail for him and she hopes that things get better. She had been made aware that their mother had supposedly died, but she still didn't know if it was real or if it was fake news.

Veigar and Eraithus came in next, and Medusa's attention was drawn to them, offering a dip of her head to the blue man before her attention was focused more towards the painfully thin, glowing male. He reminded her of...well...her when she was younger. Painfully thin with a belly that was constantly hurting because she had never been able to get enough to eat. The sicknesses that followed from eating carrion. Though now she practically had an iron stomach from such strife. Of course, those were the days before she had learned how to hunt. Before she had learned everything she knew now. All things she had learned out of pettiness and spite for Recluse keeping her captive for so long. Skills she would use to help those that needed it...and it looked like Veigar needed it. Lastly, Widow arrived with the remaining three kids, and after Tazzy and Rue greeted her and took their seats would Medusa begin. She did note that there were a few missing, but honestly, she didn't care anymore at this point. Those who had run off from the start she wasn't in the mood to hunt down. Nor would she. But probably something she should mention, eh? She did also note that Raven and Misery weren't present. Misery she expected not to be, but the pretty blind boy? She supposed maybe he got lost on the way or something.

"Medusa thanks Insomniacs for coming to the first...second? Meeting! There is lots to say, and many things for you all to know! First, Medusa has freed Curses that ran away when Insomnia started. Medusa doesn't know if they know, but they ran away, so who knows! They can figure it out." She said with a firm nod. "Second, Medusa has decided that Insomnia is going to be friends with Valhalla and Avalon! Corbie and Ardyn are nice, and Avalon has invited us to train and trade with them if Insomnia needs it! Rue will start training with Avalon's healer to learn things, so if anyone else wants to learn more that Insomnia can't teach, Medusa can speak to them to see if you can work with them, too. Insomniacs must not attack them! Not unless it is a raid, or they attack first, but Medusa doesn't think that will happen! Okay? Okay!" Important news part one? Check! She nodded as she let that sink in before adding on, "Also, we are not friends with wolves that are Recluse friends. Not unless they are not friends anymore. Medusa has met Azure of Armada, he's a big meanie, but is good for piercings! Uuummm...." What was the other pack that Seymour had mentioned? Oh! "Definitely not friends with the oned named" She glanced at her companions who were all snickering. "Ashen." Turning back to the pack, she corrected, "Ashen. Medusa learned they are Recluse family, but still, probably not friends. So maybe don't trust 'em, k?" While she was aware half her members were related in some way, shape, or form to Ashen...and one of their healers did help her when she was in the process of having her pups, she was pretty leery of the rest of them. Though they seemed to keep to themselves for the most part, one never knew!

Okay what next...oh! "Medusa has decided too that everyone here is changing their place in the pack! Everyone is no longer a Curse! Except for Misery. He is not here, so he is still a Curse. And also Medusa doesn't like him, and he doesn't like Medusa." She shrugged before continuing. He also hadn't tried to fight his way out, or tried to not be a curse either, so that was the main reason. "Everyone here, listen up! Ghoul, you are a Hellhound! Widow, Trickmaster! Cow-boy, you are a Memory!" Until he decided on a path, anyway. "Blue wolf is a Charm! Rue is a Hex! Morticia is a Whisper! Glowing brown wolf, you are a Memory! She paused as she looked at the others, "Red man, you are dropped to a Memory. Medusa does not see you much, so you are not a Feral anymore." Oh well. Too bad, so sad. If he worked for it, he could have it back. Or maybe even a better rank! "Also, everyone say hi to Cricket! She is cute and small and green! Cricket is a memory!" For now, anyway. Until she figured out what she wanted to do in the pack. "Morte and Tazzy, Medusa needs to know what you want to do so you don't have to be Shadows! Okay?" She reeeaaalllyy wanted to place them somewhere but didn't know what paths they were interested in, let alone if they'd even been learning about their interests. Okay, that was everyone, right? Her gaze drifted toward Enki, her gaze lingering on him for a few heartbeats before turning back to the others. "Enki...Enki is a Memory." She quickly glanced at him before glancing away. Of all the wolves in the world, he definitely didn't deserve to be a Curse. She felt that maybe he could be trusted. But she supposed time would tell her, right?

"Medusa wants to see everyone working for better things! Medusa will not hold your paws, and she wants to see you be your bestest! If you can't do that, then Medusa thinks it best if you leave and go somewhere else." Better to mooch elsewhere, right? She was constantly running around and picking up the slack, spreading herself thin for the sake of keeping things running. She couldn't do everything, and she would not deny that she needed help. "Also, Medusa wants um..." What was the word? "Medusa wants others to help...the others. Teachers! To teach things and help! Ghoul, Medusa knows you are still slow, but you can..." She scrunched her face in thought for a moment, "Ghoul can tell them how to do things, like a...a cheerleader!" Yeah, that sounded about right. He could just yell at the kids from the sidelines and instruct them how to do things! Clearly, a number of the members might need that, too!

Okay, that was probably about most of the important info that she could think of that needed telling. Though her brain was going a mile a minute, she was sure she was missing some key things. "Oh! Medusa wants to raid soon, so she needs Insomnia to start getting better with themselves! Not just to raid, but also if Insomnia gets raided! Also, Medusa is planning a festival, She found a cool place in the desert, but maybe Insomnia will try that later. Aanndd...also, Insomnia will have a place here for everyone to make requests if they need help. A...boooard? Yes, a board! A request board! Medusa will find a parrot or something to take requests, and others can come and see what requests there are to help those that are requesting! And, She will be testing everyone soon with everything, so practice, or don't! Medusa doesn't care for excuses, so like she said before, if you don't wanna try, then go somewhere else! If you are having trouble, Medusa is happy to talk! She will not skin you for talking to her, promise!" Alright...she was sure that was about it. She wasn't used to this whole meeting thing, so she was about ready to wrap things up unless others had questions, comments, or concerns.


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:

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1. Dial Tone Dancefloor of the Gods 12:51 AM, 05-30-2023 06:46 AM, 10-20-2023