


10-26-2013, 03:01 PM

She had become what she always feared: weak. How was it possible that the two creatures she cared about most in this world were both contending for her presence at the exact same time? Isardis needed her in this very moment, but need was much different than want. Taurig wanted her, and she feared that her brother wasn't ever going to be capable of wanting her the same way her nephew did in this precise moment. To be wanted was something she had never really known she desired, but now that it had occurred she was baffled and confused. It didn't help her confusion any that she had been knocked off balance with ease by the cobalt male who now tried to talk sense into her. 'He has brought them to their deaths.' The words resonated deep in her chest. She knew they were true, but fighting wasn't something she was afraid of - it was something she loved. Still, she hadn't exactly agreed to go to war for her brother, it had just happened, and she wasn't sure this was where she wanted to be in this precise moment. She had never agreed to fight against Taurig, that wasn't part of the deal. Black lips slithered over pearl fangs, sheathing them for the time being as she tried to process what was happening - what her decision would be. Plans ran through her mind, and she knew what she had to do. Isardis would hate it - she was sure, but if he just trusted her like he said he would then all would work out as necessary. Someone had to be the martyr, and she would volunteer. ?I will go if you promise to leave this place with me and stay away until the fight is through.? There was little more to be said. If they didn't hurry it was likely either one of them would be wrapped up in yet another battle. She would rise to her paws tentatively, showing him she meant him no harm, and then prepare to leave with a few deliberate steps in the direction of Tortuga's borders. Before she went too far, Sendoa would cast a knowing look in her brother's direction - if only he would look and realize that this was not a betrayal, it was a sacrifice.

Exit Sendoa w/Taurig

Sendoa has submitted to Taurig and agreed to go with him. Both are now out of the siege.