
Mortis and Halo Litter!

More Fatalis

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
06-23-2023, 11:00 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2023, 12:15 AM by Dragon Mod. Edited 2 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Dragon
Character's Name: Rainier (probably a middle name) Fatalis
Adult Height: probably 42"
Size: prooobbabbly xl?
Gender: Male
Build: light - medium
Appearance Description: 100 words
Personality: Rainier is what you'd call the white knight sort. Even as a pup, he fantasizes about fighting off bad guys and saving the damsel in distress. He's a good-natured guy with a strong will and a good heart, often putting others before himself. Don't underestimate him though, he has a good head on his shoulders and is keenly observant. Sometimes he can be judgmental though, especially if you look like the type that gets into a lot of trouble. He's not easily least, not until he's a little older and has learned that not everyone can be trusted. Until then, he's a bit of a naive boy who is still feeling out the world around him, and though he does his best to stay out of trouble, that's not to say it might not accidentally happen. Especially if he's out and about trying to help someone else. He also likes to spend a lot of time with family, learning from their experiences and wisdom, he looks up to those worth looking up to in the Fatalis family and is fiercely protective of family honor.

Hard-working, loyal, brave, and often found pushing himself to his limits, Falcon wants to be someone others can turn to in their time of need. Falcon's ambition burns bright and strong as does the fire in his heart. He aims to be the best knight in the four corners of the world and will work his butt off to achieve it. He can often be found training his battle skills and honing his to speak. A wolf's greatest weapon is his teeth, after all, so he uses everything in his arsenal to make sure his blows deal some serious damage. Asides from saving damsels in distress, Rainier's hobby is blacksmithing. He can often be found working on something be it weaponry, armor, or jewelry, right down to small things he has the muse for, like crafting accessories or even building things to make life just a little bit easier for the wolves around him. Simple or intricate, Rainier does his best to ensure that everything he creates is of the best quality.

The male, of course, plans on marrying someday. Like his family before him, he knows his duties to the Fatalis line and what is expected of him. Those he courts, he wishes to find love. His forever-to-be. The one that holds his heart, while he holds hers. He wishes for kids, and plenty of them, not just to extend the branches of the Fatalis line, but to pass down the knowledge of his craft and life lessons he has learned along the way. Unfortunately, the man has the tendency to wear his heart on his sleeve, though every heartbreak may hurt, he uses them as a learning experience and does his best to not grow bitter about them.

Despite his above qualities, Rainier does have a flaw or two. Although he does work hard, he often feels like he might be inadequate. Always with the thought of he needs to do better. Be better. Work harder. Don't slack off. Insecurity is something he may struggle with, and of course, if he's feeling sad or hurting over something, he plays it off with jokes and puts on a face that shows nothing is wrong. He wants his parents to be proud of him, so he hides the parts of himself that he thinks might show weakness.
Alignment: True neutral - neutral good
Skills: Fighting x Intellect
Mutations: yes, but not sure what yet
Intended plots / other: I don't know but I'm open for ideas! <3