
hey kitty kitty



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Beginner Hunter (0)

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-27-2023, 01:15 AM
Atreus was coming up on a year old soon, and restless with the seemingly unending days of puppyhood. His mother spoke often of how they needed to seize opportunities where they could find them, rather than hope someone in the pack would step up to give them a helping hand, but he had not listened. He should have - she may have spoken from experience and he was foolish to have disregarded the advice just because she was his mother, and not some great warrior. He had trained with his mother, of course, and his aunt Gossamer. But he had done nothing of real note to distinguish himself in any way. Today, the burly violet-toned youth had set out to do just that. Stalking along the border, he looked for trouble that he could set right. His first thought was to hunt for something and bring it back for the pack, but he was in the mood for trouble.

And trouble he found, when he found himself suddenly face to face with a lean tawny form. Both froze, the lithe young cougar as startled to find the sturdy young wolf as the other way around, but Atreus recovered first and lunged for the cat with a snarl. This was a good chance to distinguish himself - chasing a cougar out of pack lands! But the cougar wasn't going to just turn tail and run from a puppy, no matter how overgrown, and he moved to retaliate with a snarl of his own. They'd be evenly matched at best, and though Atreus wasn't going to back down, a fair fight would not end well for either of them.