
hey kids, want some skill points?

open fight training bc why not



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years

OverachieverScarredTeacherCritical Dodge!Double MasterSamhain 2022
1KCritical Attack!
06-27-2023, 02:58 AM
Hazel nodded to each in turn as they gathered around her. She regarded each of them carefully, now realizing that she had to plan out exactly what to say. Right, shit. She did have to do that. Dread came first, moments after her call. Andy next, and Hazel gave a gentle mod. Happy to see that there was interest in the training, as long as someone was here to run it. That boded well for her, that boded well for the future of the Armada. Speaking of future, it was another boy from the same litter that joined them. Charlie was the last. Satisfied with the turnout, Hazel figured that she'd begin.

"Thank you guys for coming." Was that a corny way to start things off? Nah, fuck it. May as well make them feel like they were wanted, like they were doing something good by showing up to an extra training. Because they were. They were being good. Hazel offered a lopsided grin. "Okay, so I know that we do a lot of sparring, and a lot of training. But doing the fighting is really only half of learning how to fight." She explained, thinking about the concepts Halo had taught her when she was recovering from her injury last year. All the things they'd talked about, learning how to learn.

"I want all of you to think about the last fight you were in. It could be a spar, it could have been a fight against a predator. But I want you to think about all of the things you did during that fight." Hazel paused, giving them each a moment to think about their chosen fight or spar or whatever. "We're going to go around the circle and each talk about what we think went well in that fight, and what we think we could have done better." She lifted her gaze, letting it flicker around to each of her pupils, waiting for any questions that might come up.

"I'll go first. My last spar was against Sirius. During that spar I did a really good job keeping my guard up over my left side, which I know is typically weaker. What I could have done better, is I overcompensated. I was focusing too hard on my left side, and I let my guard down on my right as a result." Hazel looked to the yearlings before her, satisfied that she'd modeled the discussion they would be having.
