
Random Mini Event: Surfs Up (Way Up)

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
06-27-2023, 05:49 PM

The world is dark for the young Calico Jack as he keeps his eyes firmly squeezed shut against the sting of the ocean water while he waits for ocean to sort itself out. The boy does not know if he had managed to prevent Dulla from being swept out by raging surf but, as he tumbles along, he continues to hope that she is safe. As for himself, Jack is not worried. The boy had grown up living next to an ocean and had been swimming since the day he could leave his den. Even as the cold water attempts to still his energy, he cannot help but be reminded of his home. So, for now, he simply conserves his strength until it is needed.

Finally, the spinning lessens and soon stops and his eyes fly open to immediately be stung from the salt and algae in the water. His lungs are starting to scream for air and the chill of the water is beginning to leech into his bones but Jack works to remain calm and collected. With his eyes open, he slowly releases some of the air that is being held in his lungs and only stops once he has formed a nice stream of bubbles. They float up past his head and the boy uncurls his body, rotating his body so he can follow the bubbles up to the surface.

Legs kick out in long, powerful strokes and he quickly propels him to the surface. Head breaks the free from the water and he gasps loudly, greedily sucking in deep lung fulls of air until his body is satisfied that he is again receiving oxygen. He easily treads water, his time spent swimming serving him well, as he turns his gaze back toward the beach. Straining his eyes, he attempts to spy the woman he had tried to save, only to find that he can barely see the shoreline. The current is too strong to fight against so he shouts as loud as he can, hoping against hope that she will hear him, “Dulla! Dulla, I promise I will find you!”

If he is screaming it for her to hear or as a promise that he making to the Gods, Calico isn’t quite sure but he is resolute in his conviction. Suddenly, he becomes aware of the sputtering of another wolf and the boy turns his attention to where another yearling attempting to swim out to him. Calico Jack mentally curses his luck. While he considers himself a strong swimmer, it seems that the female is having trouble and is struggling. The boy knows that it is useless to fight against the current and, as they are get further away from the shore, the turbulence that the waves had offered slowly evens out.

With strong strokes, the boy quickly moves toward the earthen hued girl while saying loudly, “It’s okay! Stop struggling. I am going to help you.” Once she stops fighting the water, Calico easily positions himself behind her. He can keep afloat until the current is done with them but the real enemy that they have to face is the cold. As calmly as he can, the boy instructs, “Good job. Now, I need you to relax. I know, I know, easier said than done but I need you to relax your body. I am going to help keep you afloat. We just need to ride out the current. Please, don’t struggle. I mean you no harm. Okay?”

Jack knows it is a lot to ask but he really does mean her no harm and, if they float instead of swim, they will conserve what energy they have to help fight the chill of the water. Once she stills, the boy loops one of his long legs underneath the taller yearling arms and tilts her body back slightly. Next, he keeps his body behind her, allowing her to rest against him while keeping the girl’s head above water. Now, they can both float more easily with the current. Icy gaze scans the waves, checking and rechecking for any signs of Dulla in the water. If she is out here, the boy is determined to help her survive the currents pull as well.

While he can keep them afloat, the chill of the water is something beyond the boy’s control. It is important to keep them both awake so, as his teeth begin to chatter, he says, “We need to stay awake. Keep talking to me. Oh, uh... Calico Jack at your service. If we were on land, I would offer you a proper bow and all that.” A chuckle is expelled past the stuttered words as his teeth clank together painfully. He continues to keeps his body relaxed while also trying to keep the girl calm and awake. As they float with the current, Jack’s mind turns back to Dulla and, once again, he hopes that she is safe.

OOC: Permission to PP Bramble given by Bunni

"Calico Jack"

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1. Random Mini Event: Surfs Up (Way Up) The Shimmering Shore 07:43 PM, 06-16-2023 05:59 PM, 09-22-2023