


10-26-2013, 07:50 PM

His attempt at coming at Isardis from behind would be seen, though Tidus had not missed some sort of mark. Isardis' head came towards him to try and headbutt?(That's what I got from the read..) his left side, and it would land it's mark. Though the distance from Tidus' to Isar was close in Tidus' perspective, and though the headbutt landed Tidus would feel slightly light-headed, and he hoped that Isar felt it too but he couldn't determine that for himself; though no significant damage save for maybe a possible bruise would stop him. Afterwards, it would seem that his teeth would grasp the demons left shoulder/nape of the neck instead of his intended attack towards the beasts thigh. It was then that from the corner of his eye, he saw a form come rushing towards them. His heart lifted as the woman would make her charge towards the king; he was not alone in trying to take down the white ghost! Hoping that the woman was able to distract Isardis, Tidus would narrow his eyes as his teeth were bared in a defiant snarl. Ears plastered to his head, hackles rose, tail tucked, his shoulders tucked forward to protect the sides of his neck and he would bunch his scruff for added protection. As his jaws gripped the beast, Tidus would act upon rapid instincts and thoughts as he always did when he was in a sticky situation, and as he kept his grip with his teeth he would rapidly pull back, hoping to rip whatever flesh he had in his jaws and then release for his next move.

Tidus would quickly take a step back, releasing his prey and dropped down as low to the ground as he could get, thus narrowly dodging Isar's seeking teeth and and roll in the opposite direction of where Riv was coming from, (Rolling to Tidus' right; Isar's left) then he would come to be on all fours and shoot forward to Isardis' hind legs, his claws digging into the earth for traction. He would attempt a direct launch to bite and grab the thinnest part of his leg; the achilles tendon. If his teeth hit his mark, then the boy would grip with sharp canines and yank his head back to try and rip the thin area to tear and make pained the beast he was up against. If his attack was successful, or if it missed, he would try to latch onto whatever else he could.

Tidus & Rivaxorous Vs. Isardis for Maim/seige

Round: 2/3

Defenses: Tidus would narrow his eyes as his teeth were bared in a defiant snarl. Ears plastered to his head, hackles rose, tail tucked, his shoulders tucked forward to protect the sides of his neck and he would bunch his scruff for added protection. Quickly takes a step back, releasing Isar, and then drops low th the ground to perform a roll to Tidus' right; Isar's left. Claws dug in the ground for traction.

Attacks: Makes an attack towards Isar's left hind achilles tendon(since tidus rolled to the left), and would try to bite down and then rip/tear it. If unsuccessful, he will try to grab whatever else he can.

Injuries: Minor bruising under his jaw from Ryu's previous rump bump; Bruising on the side of his face where Isardis headbutted him.
