
To Prove Oneself

Req~ Hunting Seasonal


06-29-2023, 07:36 AM

The girl felt useless. She didn’t quite know what she was good at yet. It didn’t help that she couldn’t speak, couldn’t remember how to speak, and didn’t remember anything except that she washed up in this strange place. Where she came from, where and who her family was, who she was even, was all a mystery to her. Literally the only clue to how she was was the pendant that hung around her neck. This was probably why she was outside of Armadan lands that day. Tired of feeling useless. Tired of relying heavily on Halo and Mortis. Though they both assured her that they didn’t mind, she hated feeling like a lost puppy with no place in life.

So she had gone scouting. To a forest north of the Mile-High Woods where the bark began to turn a rusty red. Dense brush and smaller trees circulated the massive ancient trunks that stretched nearly to the clouds above. Down here on the floor, it was cool and damp. Each of her steps cushioned by the moss that blanketed the dirt and leaves. While it was easy for her to hide in the shadows, it was also difficult to pick up the scent trails of animals as well. Outside of the forest, the summer sun had been blazing hot and dry, but as soon as she had entered, the environment had changed. Moisture never seemed to leave, enabling the moss to soak up tracks and preventing the wind from drifting scents in her direction.

Lately, she had taken an interest in hunting. She wanted to take something down herself and bring it back. Maybe Sirius would have someone help train her in hunting if she could bring something back. Nothing too large for now. She couldn’t possibly bring down anything larger than a fawn by herself. Though she wasn’t a small wolf, she also wasn’t large or at her full height yet either. At least she had a chance…

Which seemed to present itself at that moment. Hesitating as she rounded a corner, the snap of a branch beneath a careful hoof caused her to freeze. Both ears alert as her head lifted to peer at her surroundings. There, not far off, a doe and two fawns. Their own ears flipped upward as beady black eyes surveyed the shadows. She stayed still, lowering herself carefully so that her frame was more hidden. Thankfully, they didn’t see her yet. Creeping forward, she began to move toward the trio with calculated steps so that her position wouldn’t be seen.
