
Hunter By Trade, Mother By Accident

Pack Guest Hunt



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
06-29-2023, 10:32 AM

The look upon Unagi’s face was priceless. One day, the young pup would understand why she wanted her to be held back. While Zoey and Tethys were still young, they were at least a bit more experienced. Celeste could see in the other’s faces that this was not their first hunt - even if it was a slightly more dangerous one. Yet, the more bodies, the less chances of someone getting hurt.

Holding back as the other four set off after the herd, she keeps her pace at a slow jog. “Watch how Arne and Tethys single out the bull. He is a large, formidable prey that will easily fight back to protect the herd. Plus, as we see Halo and Zoey on the outskirts there, the others will help fight back. Bison are not weak or easily frightened. Now, if this was a twenty wolf hunt, they would surely turn tail for the hills where it’s harder for us to run fast, but with just the six of us, it’s harder,” she pauses as she continues to creep closer, but stays south of the wind.

“Which is why we are hanging back. If the bison only believe there are four wolves, they won’t take off as fast. Four wolves isn’t as terrifying as six. But as soon as the others move in, we will work our way through the crowd to help Arne and Tethys or Zoey and Hazel. If the front two can cut off the bull, we will help separate the rest of the herd before helping take down the bull. Make sense?” Her gaze flickers to the growing pup before focusing back on the hunt at hand. Their group, albeit slightly inexperienced, were capable and adaptable. She could see it just by looking at them - it was a gift.

“Alright, on my count, we will rush in and begin to help scare off the smaller bison so their mamas will go running after them,” Celeste smiles as her eyes glint with excitement. She lets her muscles relax, her tail trail the ground, and doesn’t resist the adrenaline that begins to trickle in. “One, two, three!” She lets out a quiet yip before taking off toward the herd, making sure Unagi is beside her the whole time.

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Hunter By Trade, Mother By Accident Mile-High Woods 06:33 AM, 06-01-2023 01:24 PM, 09-27-2023