
Tie me kangaroo down



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
06-29-2023, 11:17 AM

Delphi was happy to help. Her paws smacking against the bark as slobber fell from her lips. High pitched screeches that were attempts at fierce barks left her as the tree kangaroo continued to look down on them with disappointed. Was that all they really had? A shame. It was quite aggravating not being large enough to jump up onto the tree to get that dang animal! Focused in on helping, she didn’t notice the green girl move back down to the ground.

Suddenly, she was being shoved up the trunk of the twisted tree. A yelp left her lips from surprise as she looked down between her legs. Her tail wagged excitedly as she let out another chirp. “Maybe we can get him now!!” Delphi called out as she stabilized herself on the girl’s shoulders and continued to bark up the tree. The kangaroo lookin’ thing was just barely out of reach. And with the closeness of the girls now, it decided to wander farther up into the gnarled branches.

“Dammit!” Delphi thumped on the tree before looking back down at the girl. It was then that her eyes lit up and she nodded excitedly. “Oh, he loves doing things I ask him to do!” She exclaims before jumping off of the girl’s shoulders. Upon landing, she turns to Mister Grump who has taken a seat not far off to watch the show. The obvious look of amusement on his face says it all.

“I know you understood her. So will you help us out?” Delphi turns her puppy-dog eyes on the binturong as her lip sticks out into a pout. Blinking rapidly, she wags her tail and waited for her companion’s response. A few second pass by as their chance for to take the kangaroo down starts to slip away. Finally, Mister Grump shrugs and lets out a sigh. ”Only if I can also have some of the plant,” his grizzled old man voice comes out and Delphi’s brow scrunches.

“YOU CAN TALK?!” Her voice is near shouting as she follows the animal to the tree where the green girl still is. All she can see is the little smirk on the bearcat’s face and she wants to swat at him. She had spent the entire trip from northern Boreas to Auster talking to herself because her companion had not spoken a single damn word! Letting out a defeated growl, Delphi stands at the base of the tree where the green girl is and stares up at the kangaroo. Watching her companion begin to climb with agile movements surprised her once more. Maybe she had just never really paid attention to the binturong to really notice he had any usefulness other than friendship.

Mister Grump (though he would soon tell her he hated that name) climbed up the tree with his claws digging into the bark. Unknowing if the tree kangaroo could speak common tongue or not, he inched closer with caution. ”Care to share?” He tried to ask as he reached out a paw toward the animal. It’s response was to smack back and continue farther up into the treetop. With a roll of his eyes, the binturong follows with a pep in his step and is able to grab ahold of its tail with his paws. As he digs in, he leans left and then right with all his might and feels the tree kangaroo lose its footing and fall from the branches. Letting go before he follows with, he looks down at the girls as the tree kangaroo lands near them.

Delphi wiggles in excitement as she quickly pounces at their prey. Landing on top of him, she flashes her fangs in his direction. “Share or lose your life,” she threatens, hoping the other girl will come help her get the plants from the animal.
