
To Prove Oneself

Req~ Hunting Seasonal


06-29-2023, 12:02 PM

Her mind stays focused on the trio until a rustle of quiet moss catches her attention. Not far off, a sleek white male around her age approaches. Their eyes meet as she freezes in place. Would he scare off her hunt? Seconds pass as she tries to figure out what to do next. No words leave his lips which is unusual. Everyone she has met so far as never been much for silence. Her ears flicker backward until she sees him motion with his head in the direction of the deer.

Letting her gaze wander to the trio, she waits another moment. So he wanted to help? Had that been what he meant? Her blue eyes move back to him when she sees him lift a paw. He begins to motion in obvious movements what seems to be a plan. Ah, so he did want to help. A sense of relief washes over her knowing now that she won’t have to attempt this alone. She focuses on his paw movements, her head nodding slightly in understanding of what he wanted.

She nods one more time to let him know that she is in understanding and willing to let him help her hunt the deer. As he moves away toward the right flank, she shifts so that her direction is toward the left flank. Her chocolate and tan hued pelt helped her blend into the forest around her. Moving with easy, she stays low and glides easily over the moss. Her instincts have kicked into gear as she creeps closer to the deer. While she knows she is strong, she knows the boy will be naturally stronger.

Staying hidden until the last moment, she watches the deer. They graze lazily, but she can tell by their ear movements that they are listening. Always on alert, cautious and nervous of predators. They only needed one… She only needed a leg, something big enough to take back to the Warlord to prove to him that she was worth keeping around. The feeling of anticipation, of wanting, of hope is what drove her forward. When the deer appeared the least alert as if they were about to nap, she moves forward. Propelling herself with strong muscles and a lithe body, she rushes toward the prey. They are caught off guard as she rushes them. Careening toward the side, she begins to try and drive them toward the right flank where the boy is hiding.
