
Fighting Is For... The Birds?

Taiga Fighting Seasonal



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
06-29-2023, 09:37 PM

The vast plain stretched out before her, an open expanse of golden grasses and towering rocks. Taiga, the massive grey and white cave lioness, stood poised, her senses heightened. Her golden eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of danger or potential prey.

Suddenly, her attention was captured by a tumultuous commotion in the distance. She could hear the piercing screeches and cries of a flock of harpy eagles. Instinctively, Taiga knew that something was amiss. With a powerful stride, she bounded towards the chaotic scene, her massive form moving swiftly across the terrain.

As she approached, the sight that greeted her eyes filled her with a mix of concern and determination. Amidst the harpy eagles, a young wolf was desperately fighting for his life. Taiga had never met him before, but in that moment, she felt a deep sense of responsibility to protect him. Having been welcomed into a herd, it wasn't beyond the feline to protect those of different species.

Roaring with fierce intensity, Taiga lunged into the midst of the battle. Her large paws struck out with precision, swatting at the harpy eagles and causing them to scatter momentarily. She fought with an unwavering determination, her every move calculated to provide a momentary reprieve for the young wolf.

Taiga's heart raced as she witnessed the boy's bravery and resilience. Despite the overwhelming odds, he fought alongside her, teeth bared and muscles tensed. His tenacity and will to survive resonated deeply with Taiga, fueling her own resolve to ensure his safety.

The battle waged on, feathers and fur swirling in a chaotic dance. Taiga's movements were fluid and powerful, her instincts honed through years of survival. She darted and lunged, never losing sight of her primary objective - to rescue the young wolf from the clutches of the harpy eagles.

In the midst of the frenzy, a moment of connection passed between Taiga and Malico. Their eyes briefly met, conveying an unspoken understanding. Taiga saw in him the same spirit she had witnessed in other creatures she had encountered in the wild, a fierce determination to persevere against all odds.

With one final, resounding roar, Taiga managed to scatter the remaining harpy eagles, forcing them to retreat. As the dust settled and silence descended upon the vast plain, she approached the canine, her presence exuding a mix of protection and reassurance.

The big cat inspected the boy, her large head dipping to meet his smaller form. "Are you alright?" Though they were strangers, a bond had been formed through the shared experience of survival. Taiga conveyed her admiration and respect for the young wolf's courage. He could easily have turned tail and run away, letting her finish the battle, but he had stayed.

As they stood together on the vast plain, Taiga knew that their paths would likely diverge once the immediate danger had passed. However, she couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment and purpose in having been able to rescue the young wolf from the harpy eagles' clutches. The encounter had reinforced her commitment to protect those in need, regardless of their familiarity or kinship.


WC- 520
Total- 1338
Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.

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1. Fighting Is For... The Birds? The Rock Garden 05:03 PM, 06-02-2023 01:26 PM, 02-11-2024