
To Prove Oneself

Req~ Hunting Seasonal


06-30-2023, 09:59 AM

Her strikingly blue eyes watch the two fawns split and dash off into the inner shadows of the forest. For now, they are safe from their demise. Unfortunately, for the mother, she will not be so lucky. With snapping teeth lashing out, pushing her farther and farther, she waits for the doe to tire. The boy comes in and attempts to leap onto the doe. His attempt is unsuccessful as the doe darts toward her and evades the attack. Her brow furrows out of frustration as she continues to push herself. Faster, harder, and more determined. Her own barks of excitement leave her mouth as she turns her body toward the doe.

Now that the female deer has come closer, she has her chance. She can see the doe begin to tire. It does not have the stamina or endurance that they have. Hoofbeats slow as they clamber to maintain purchase on the wooded floor. Her chance is now. As she sees the slim opening widen ever so slightly for her. Giving her legs one last push, she drives forward until all four paws are off the ground. Her body twists again as she feels her dull claws dig into the doe's side and chest. Thankfully, her mouth lands on the doe's shoulder. Not quite as high as she had hoped, but it would be good enough.

Blood flows into her mouth as her bite sinks into the doe's skin. A loud bleating call begins to gurgle as it drowns out her hearing. She is unsure if the boy has come to help take the doe down. It would only make the doe's death quicker if he did. Attempting to climb forward as the doe begins to slow, she releases her bite and goes back in toward the base of the neck. There she hits an artery and the doe cries out again. She can begin to feel the doe move from a run to a slow lope until it is trotting and then stumbling around. Only minutes pass until the doe is falling to the ground. To avoid being crushed, she lets go and uses the doe's momentum to push off and jump away.

Exhaustion fills her as her tongue hangs out. Sweat coats her own body as her head hangs low. Both ears are off to the side as her tail attempts to wag slowly. There will definitely need to be a period of rest before she attempts to drag the doe back to the Col. Glancing toward the boy, she forces a meek smile through her heavy breath. Letting out a triumphant yip, she moves slowly toward the doe to help ensure that her life would not be dragged on.
