
Aquatics 101

Rebel ♡


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (175)

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-30-2023, 01:31 PM
Learning how to spar with her parents and siblings was always fun and easy, but teaching was a whole new challenge! The little jackal pup that she had found a while back with her mother had become her constant companion and of course she always liked the company, but it only felt fitting that her companion should be able to help her in her spars too! Of course, in order for that to happen, her new friend needed to know how to fight too so she had been making a valiant effort at teaching her just that. It certainly gave her a new appreciation for how good her parents and uncle were at teaching her and her siblings all kinds of things. "Alright, that was good! But next time put your paws here and here instead," she explained, moving the young jackal's lanky limbs into a more stable stance. "That way I won't be able to knock you over so easily, okay? Let's try again!"

Just as she was getting back into position across from her companion to go for another round, her father's howl interrupted her and got her to stop mid pounce to look up toward where the call was coming from. Her companion took advantage of her momentary distraction and barreled into her–still not quite knocking her off balance since there was such a difference in size between them, but certainly making her proud with how she made her stagger back a bit. Rebel chuckled and gave her jackal friend a grin. "Good job! I'll be back in a bit, I gotta go see what my dad wants! Keep practicing while I'm gone!" She turned toward the lake then and took off, bounding through the foliage and trees to make it to where her dad had called her from. It did not take her all that long to get there and within just a few moments she was skidding to a stop in front of her father who she quickly noticed was soaking wet.

"Hey, dad!" she said enthusiastically, her head tilting with curiosity as she glanced over his dripping wet fur. "Have you been swimming?" She had not exactly been avoiding the lake since the incident with the ice and her brother, but she had not been actively seeking it out either. If nothing else she had definitely learned her lesson and had not gone further into the water than her elbows since then. She still felt kind of bad for getting her dad into that kind of situation where he had to save her from the freezing cold water and definitely did not want to upset him like that again. However, considering how it looked like he had already been swimming and he had called her specifically to the pretty, calm lake, she got excited as she started to put two and two together and began to wonder if today was going to be the swimming lesson that she had been waiting on for what felt like ages.

WC: 503
Total: 789 / 1500


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1. Aquatics 101 Wolfpaw Lake 03:07 PM, 06-29-2023 02:52 AM, 02-13-2024