


10-26-2013, 08:54 PM

She was frustrated to say the least, but there was little she could do about it now. She had made her decision, however foolish Isardis might see it. A sigh fell from her lips as he assured her that he didn't necessarily have a death wish, but that Isardis certainly wanted his head. ?Didn't anyone ever tell you not to poke a hornet's nest? He would have let all this go with the scars on your face.. but now he's going to want blood.? And mine's just as red as yours... she would add in her head. Isardis would hate her, she just knew it. Perhaps there was a chance she could make him understand, but it would be slim at best. Oh, what a mess her life had become. She rocked onto her haunches, ?And why in hell did you have to barrel me over to get your message across? It's not as if my head's as thick as some other wolves we know.? Perhaps Isardis needed his head knocked around to let him know that he ought not let his pride rule his every decision, but Sendoa was always open to conversation when it could help the situation. The ebbing pain in her side had calmed to a dull stiffness, and she knew it would be gone in a day or two - at least it wouldn't leave her with a limp for half a season like the last quarrel she'd been in.
