



5 Years
Extra large
10-26-2013, 09:05 PM

He could tell that she was somewhat frustrated, or irritated. It was coming off of her in waves. And how could she not be. He had just taken her from the pack that she had sworn her allegiance too and now the Ice King was sure to hate her like he hated him. Perhaps not nearly with the same intensity, but he would be extremely upset with Sendoa. Whereas with him, he would want his head on a pike, considering he had betrayed Isardis and now taken one of his most important wolves. Oh well. All is far in war. Didn't anyone ever tell you not to poke a hornet's nest? He would have let all this go with the scars on your face.. but now he's going to want blood. Let it go? The cobalt Re scoffed at her words. There was no way the Ice King had let his past discretion go. It wasn't in his nature. Don't give me hope for something that would've never happened Sen. We both know he would've tried to kill me that day I claimed Tortuga if you hadn't managed to stop him. Since I left, my blood is the only thing that will sate his hatred for me, regardless if I had taken you or not.

Now thinking about it as he allowed his haunches to fold beneath him to sit like the blue woman, it would dawn on him that he had potentially put his aunt in the line of fire. She could very well take care of herself, possibly hand Isardis' ass to him, but she wouldn't fight him like she hadn't fought him. But Taurig would. If the bastard intended to come and hurt his aunt, he would stand in her place and duel with the beast until his last breath. He had caused all the trouble so far and he wouldn't let anyone take the fall for him. And why in hell did you have to barrel me over to get your message across? It's not as if my head's as thick as some other wolves we know And just like that the air around them would become relaxed, a sheepish smile curling his dark lips at her words. See I thought I would have to fight with you in order to get you to come along, so that's why I barreled into you, but had I known that you wouldn't strike against me, I probably would've used a gentler method to get your attention. There was amusement to his words as he stepped forward, taking her left ear between his teeth and gently tugging it; a familiar sign of affection from the Re.

I've missed you, you know. He said now a bit more quietly as he pulled away from her to sit down again. Although he would've preferred different circumstances to get her here, he was glad that she had come with him. He had missed her dearly.

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