


10-26-2013, 09:19 PM

Perhaps Isardis wouldn't have let it go very easily, but he had so keenly switched his attention and hatred to Valhalla that Sendoa was sure he wouldn't have even though of Taurig for quite some time. Not while Valhalla presented a much more appealing target. Still, eventually his frustration would have switched back to the Re of Tortuga and they would be right where they were now.. except Sendoa would be on the Glaciem side of the spectrum. What would have happened then? She would have had to directly ignore orders from her brother, she would have had to betray him in order to keep from fighting against Taurig. That would have been an even more difficult decision than this one. ?But I did manage to stop him, and I could have again...? if only I hadn't just broken his trust. There was little chance of him ever being swayed by her opinion again. She would relax as they discussed his methods of getting her here - one of which she hadn't expected from him but certainly amused her nonetheless. She chuckled as he explained the reasoning behind his bull maneuver - he had sincerely thought she'd put up more of a fight. ?I hope I didn't disappoint you by coming quietly,? she would murmur with amusement. It wasn't something she was accustomed to doing, but deep down she had her reasons. He would close in and tug at her ear, letting her know he missed her. With a sigh she would almost resentfully admit, ?I've missed you too. Your father forbade us to see you, though that doesn't mean I haven't thought of you often.? More often than I'd care to admit. With a sigh she would allow her tail to curl around her hips. ?I hope you're prepared, Taurig. His pride is unrelenting.? There was no way in hell Isardis would leave her here, unless of course he disowned her as well - which could very well be a likely solution for the pale man if he believed this to be a betrayal. Of course, his feelings would all be determined on the plans she had made on the battlefield and the way here - and whether or not he took to them like she hoped he would.
