
Growing up, taking responsibility




Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-02-2023, 08:52 AM

Sparring with Andy and training with his companions would be nothing compared to his assessment today against his father. Fighting Sirius, who was a seasoned and worthy opponent, would truly put everything the yearling had been learning to the test. His father was not the sort of opponent who would flinch away, and instead of even making the attempt to dodge Charlie’s ram his father withstood the impact. Charlie could feel it on his end too - he would be feeling a bit of mind bruising from the angle and power of the attack later. For now, however, adrenaline pulsed through the yearling’s veins, and a small twinge of regret made his heart pang as he felt his saber graze his father’s cheek. It might have been the attack he was hoping to make but it still made the boy feel bad that he’d hurt his father at all…

But it was too late for second guessing what he was doing. A snarl ripped from Sirius’ muzzle as he turned his head and attempted to bat the boy’s muzzle away. Instinct would kick in and rather than allow that to happen, Charlie attempted to push further into his father. A struggle of dire wolves, the yearling would snarl back, choosing to use his head; literally. Rather than risk really hurting his father with a full bite the boy would roll his head back and then bring it forward with force towards Sirius’ own. Either it would work or both of them were going to have a bit of a headache after this assessment.

Charlie didn’t suspect the danger that could be coming from his father’s paws, but Silveris would catch sight of Sirius reaching for the dagger. A call from the bird and Yorrick would shift from Charlie’s side to get up under the large male. It was smaller attacks like this that he and Silveris needed to try and prevent from coming into fruition, though by getting up under Charlie he would prevent the male from easily dodging any other incoming attacks. But each action had a consequence. The fisher would snarl, head twisting as he hopped to intercept Sirius’ hooking leg with his fangs and hold the leg just out of reach of the vulnerable joint behind his companion’s leg. He’d only have one shot at this!

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Charlton vs Sirius for Rank Challenge
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 Year (Yearling)
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Defensive Battle Accessory: Spiked leather brace
Companion 1: Great grey shrike, Female - Perception
Companion 2: Fisher, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Sabre fangs - Offensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Intellectual