
As The Sparrow Flies




Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
07-02-2023, 09:29 AM

Speaking of Jack, her friend wouldn’t be much longer at all. In fact, he was the next to show up. As she feels his nudge of greeting she would turn her green gaze to him, flashing a grin. Seeing him here only made her feel more confident about following Gilgamesh. Not that she’d ever had a problem with the man; he was a skilled fighter in his own right. Her friend’s words are light and joyful as he spoke to Gil. She wasn’t entirely sure what had prompted Gil’s takeover, but she was sure there would be some differences in leadership style and what went on in the pack. Perhaps even some more training, though she wouldn’t hold her breath. If she did that she might suffocate. Still, as Jack asks if she’s coming too, Rivin gives a firm nod and settles down beside him.

“Of course I am! Can’t let you stay and have all the fun, can I?” A genuine smile graces her face, and her voice is light, teasing as she sticks her tongue out at him. A different side of Rivin to the broody teenager that had been moping around for the past season. But… When Aresenn arrived it was not the sort of interaction she had hoped for. She frowned, her gaze following him as he left. He… wasn’t staying? She felt her heart sink. She had always felt a kinship with Senn, and having him decide to leave was a bit hard to swallow. She knew they were getting older, but Rivin had always thought they would all be together no matter what. The smile faded from her face. “‘Senn…”

Her father would show up, and then Diablo. Diablo would choose to sit on her other side and Rivin would lean into him, her gaze lowering to the earth as she tried to process what had occurred. “I… I think Aresenn is going to leave the pack.” She told him simply. She didn’t like it, and a part of her urged her to get up and follow him now. But Senn had already said that he would find her later. She didn’t need to drag him back… she doubted anything would really come of it anyway. Her gaze would flick back to Gil and Ajax as the two started to fight for a rank. Rivin would try to enjoy the show, calling out to them.

“Go ahead and give it your all. I’ll be able to patch you both up afterwards!” She had been practicing with the herbs in the gully, testing their properties on herself. If there was no other subject, you worked just as well, right? Rivin let her gaze flick to Jack. “Who do you think will win?”

"Talk," 'Think.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.