
better with you


10-26-2013, 11:14 PM

The night that she had met Seraphim, had replayed in her mind. He was perhaps the first to ask her if she was happy, and that question echoed nearly constantly in her ears. Was she happy in Glaciem? Her womb now swelled with Isardis's children, it wasn't exactly her plan, but the power of her heat, and the promise of a release had been to great for her to say no and walk away. Soon after the night was done, the talk of war circulated the pack lands, an alliance with Amenti was formed, something she didn't agree with, as she felt the Amenti wolves were hungry for power, and uncontrollable. She wasn't comfortable with them, they unsettled her.

Her feelings for her king were more confusing than her feelings about her home. While she cared for her king, as she cared for all the wolves in Glaciem, she was infuriated by him, by his actions, the way he blindly let pride rule in his decisions. She knew there had been an incident with his son, Taurig, when he left to claim Tortuga, Seraphim's home, but she didn't know the specifics. Was Isardis's pride really worth damaging his family? Yet she had stayed, in Glaciem, where perhaps some thought it unwise, she had stayed because it was her home, faults and all.

Her promise to see Seraphim again, had been shoved to the back of her mind as the turmoil stirred. She knew it wouldn't do her well to come home smelling of a Tortugan wolf, and the war required too much effort on her part to prepare. The majority of the pack were away, fighting the siege, but she had remained in the territory, lingering on the edges of it, often drifting into the surrounding areas, waiting for a call to tend to the injured, a call that she was needed.

A voice broke into her pacing, the movement of worry, and her ears pricked, it wasn't the pallid wolf that she had expected. Seraphim.. Her mind recognized his voice as clearly as if it were yesterday that she had met him. She turned towards the sound, moving as fast as her pregnant body would allow. Was he alright? Was he hurt? What would he think of the state that she had gotten herself in?

Pregnancy was hard, on any female, yet perhaps more-so on her, her back ached, her tiny 23 inch frame burdened with the weight of pups to bear, she was exhausted all the time, but she had to push forward, so she did. Moving as quickly and as gracefully as she could manage, she reached the place where the call had sourced from, and her golden eyes came to rest on the pallid wolf, that she had oddly longed to see again. The words that left her came as a breath, light, and slightly out of breath.


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