
Cold North Winds

PACK MEETING deadline 14th July


07-02-2023, 03:49 PM

This would be her first pack meeting to attend. When the Warlord’s call rang out, she had been picking weeds for Halo. Now that the other woman was about to burst, she felt the need to help her. Someone had to keep the weeds at bay or they would surely over run the gardens. Content to stay in the gardens all day long, she couldn’t hide the shiver that ran down her spine she she heard it.

Freezing for a moment, she waited to hear if anything else was going to come after it. When nothing did and she could hear the distant sound of paws rushing toward the central area for the meeting, the young girl would waste no time. Dropping the tool she had been using to help her dig out the roots, she turned and took off toward the place where Sirius’ call had come from. Upon her approach, she noticed quite a few had already shown up. She hesitates at first, unsure of where to stand. Her eyes flicker to Stratum, curious if maybe she should see if he wants company, but thinks better of it.

Instead, she wanders over to Halo and Mortis. The two wolves she felt the most comfortable with. Smiling at both of them, admiring their close embrace, she lays down nearby and curls up so that she isn’t quite in direct view of the Warlord, but close enough for him to see that she is there.