
Gone are the days you were there protecting me; so cold, so alone


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-03-2023, 01:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2023, 12:48 AM by Bowen. Edited 1 time in total.)

Sleep wasn't kind to Bowen this night. The russet and cream fae slept fitfully, tossing and turning in the furs of the bed that she shared with her sister. It was a miracle that Ash hadn't kicked her to wake her up yet. Maybe her larger sibling was just too nice to disturb her, but Bowen wished she had.

Or maybe not.

Bowen's dreams were tumultuous. She battled the swirling, heaving ocean. She fought for her life, pulling ropes and shifting sails. All around the rain hammered the old but sturdy wooden deck of the ship as well as all of its occupants. Wait... where were they? Green eyes looked about as she scanned for her shipmates but there was no one there. Bowen was all alone.

Once the realization of her solitude struck, it took a moment for the woman to  notice that her entire dreamscape had changed. Rather than trying to maintain a ghost ship, she was standing on an ice covered lake at the foot of a massive, pine covered mountain. She'd been here before in another dream and the small fae's heart rose in her throat. Emerald eyes watched the swirling snow knowingly and she was not disappointed. The misty snow gave way to the hulking grey and black form of her mother. Bowens ears tucked back against her skull for a moment. It wasn't that she didn't love her mother, but Resin tended to be the bearer of bad news.

"The beach. You need to go to the beach." Her mother's gravely voice echoed around her. Bowen had just opened her mouth to question her mother, but she didn't have a chance. "You need to go now." Then the snowstorm ate both of their forms.

Bowen woke with a gasp, sitting upright immediately. The small fae's chest heaved and her mind swam with the weight of the dream. They always seemed so real when she returned to that mountain. Ash was still asleep somehow and Bowen was careful not to disturb her as she slid from their shared bed. Quietly, the dainty woman made her way down the stone stairs and out the castle's back gate. She took the winding path down to the beach and, despite the darkness of night, moved carefully and observantly. What was she supposed to find?

Sound met Bowen's ears as she picked her way along the sand. Coughing? Was there someone out here? Knowing now that she was supposed to be finding someone rather than something, Bo threw her meager weight into her paws and raced across the sand. Glimpses of moonlight peered through a clouded sky, granting her better sight here and there. And suddenly there he was.

"Grim!" She recognized her brother instantly and raced to his side, almost falling on him in her haste. Paws moved to brush damp fur away from his eyes as she visually checked him over. What had happened to his face?! Panic rose in the woman and she moved her paws to gently check his neck and limbs. Standard practice when one was pulled from the water. Nothing seemed to be broken but she would need Gwyn to check him over to make sure.

"Grim, it's Bowen. Can you walk? We need to get you back to the castle." Though the night was warm, her giant sibling was shivering uncontrollably. Shock and the wet chill of the sea were taking its toll. He needed to be warmed up and tended to, but she couldn't drag him up there by herself. If he couldn't move, she would have to call Artorias. Actually... why wait? The small fae threw her muzzle to the sky and called for their brother. Bowen had no doubt that either Artorias or one of his companions would hear her call and come to their aid.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]

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1. Gone are the days you were there protecting me; so cold, so alone The Forgotten Isle 11:53 PM, 06-14-2023 05:49 AM, 12-05-2023