
Need You Now


10-26-2013, 11:55 PM

The patient Seracian male looked intently upon his King, ears perking when he told him that he had a favor to ask. Dragon straightened, tail curling around his paws as he waited and listened patiently. He nodded in confirmation to his knowledge about some of the warriors leaving to aid their family pack in the war against Glaciem and Amenti. He would have volunteered to go, but he didn't want to risk his life when he just barely found it with Aeil. No, he would not risk it. If Dragon could help it, he would try to keep war at bay and try to find other peaceful terms. But as it was, the current Glaciem and Amenti would never resort to such terms without something in it for them, of that he was sure. His eyes gazed upon his young king again, as the words hit Dragons ears about someone filling in for the Grand Duke, Pontifex. He knew that Seracia was in potential danger, he knew that from the start when warfare was upon the winds. Dragon had then begun to constantly patrol their borders, ensuring that they would not be at risk of ambush attacks upon their home. Dragon saw the look in his young king's gaze, knowing that the young boy was afraid for his kingdom, his pack, his family. If Dragon were in his position, he would feel the same way, and try to ensure that his family and friends were safe from harm. His surprise would seep through his pupils, however, when the King requested Dragon's help to fill the position for Grand Duke. Ears twitched slightly at the sigh released from the Seracian King, and then his final words.?Seracia needs you, ser.?

It was then that Dragon dipped his head, not having to think it over. Of course he would accept it, it was his duty after all to help his pack in any way he could. And from the moment he became a Seracian when Aeil had accepted him, he had felt an instant connection to Seracia. He had vowed then, to protect it with his life, and he would not go back on his word. "I accept this honorable position, Sire. I vowed to protect Seracia with my life upon joining, and that has never changed. I promise to do everything I can, Sir. You can count on."
