
What It Means To Us



"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
07-04-2023, 11:24 PM

The girl is confident in her ability to fight large predators and she offers her tan brother what information she can. Andy isn’t worried about what is coming, knowing it is just wasted energy to do so. The pair will take on the polar bear and what happens, happens. It is the way the world works and, in the moments before a battle of life and death, the girl always seems to find sudden peace. She grins at Charlie and her brother easily returns it saying that she and Aquila should take the face. Excitement floods her system at the prospect of facing the creature head on and she dips her head in agreement.

At that moment, the polar bear appears, heaving its heavy frame up on the land. Pale blue eyes look toward Charlie and she quickly says, “Okay, this is it. Stay low and use cover. Circle its side and wait until I have its full attention. I am going to draw it forward, you cut of its retreat so it cannot escape back into the water. Be safe and, if you feel that you are in danger, back off and reset. We will bring it down. It is okay if it takes some time to it. Don’t put yourself into unneeded dangerous situations.” Eyes are sharp and serious as she turns back to stare down the fight ahead. With a dip of her horned head, the girl signals her brother to begin his circle.

Taking a deep breath, Andy slowly lets it out as she counts off the bear’s steps. It spies her and shows no intention of wander off, choosing to plod straight for her. Her black horns are wrapped with the thorn studded leather her mother had showed her how to make and her black armor is buckled firmly in place. The girl came to fight and she is ready. As it takes it tenth step forward, the purple girl’s lips curl back, her ears flatting against her skull as she growls threating at the approaching, soggy bear. It does not deter the beast and the girl had expected this, she is simple buying her brother more time to move and get into position.

Pale gaze flicks over to where Charlie is, offering a single, short dip of her head as the only warning that she is beginning. Andy kicks off, rushing full-tilt at the bear. It stops, planting its feet and roars its anger at her. Barreling down on it, the girl suddenly releases a sharp whistle as she enters the polar bear’s space and Aquila, her Eastern chanting goshawk companion, appears. The bird screams, drawing the beast’s attention up as Andy deftly strikes out at the suddenly exposed throat. She curls her own neck, sending her horns forward jutting forward and she stands, thrusting the deadly weapons into the fat and muscle on the underside of its throat.

At the same time, Aquila begins to harass the bear’s face, talons opening wounds as the creature roars in outrage. It blindly strikes out, attempting to swat at the horned girl but she is already gone, having carefully removed herself from the polar bear’s vicinity. Eyes flick toward where Charlie is, checking on his wellbeing as she resets for her next attack.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.

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1. What It Means To Us Devil's Spout 11:30 PM, 04-04-2023 01:01 PM, 04-28-2024