



10-27-2013, 01:07 AM

She sat there with Atlas on her back to the side but close enough to Jupiter. So as other joined she would not miss the silent signal between her and Jupiter. A slight nod to her Sol was the only indication she gave. She turned her eyes to the male the Sol had pointed out. Brows furrowed down with concern. Silently to go to her paws and padded over to him.I'm Symphony, the new Healer, and this is Atlas my companion. Whats your name? She would voice once she settled down near him. She would approach him with just normal conversation. She would not demand or pry into his condition till he was ready to tell her. But she would quicky be there to let him know she could help him.

She would listen to the on goings of the meeting. Eyes narrowed at the mention of war. But they would not be joining it in no way. But would that not make them look weak? If this Glaciem or Amenti attack them next would the other packs help defend them when they did not do it for them in their time of need no? Song;s worrying comments had her eyes snap right to her. Adoptive mother?! Did she had adoptive siblings too? To replace her, howl and anthem?! Lips twitched, just barely able to hold back a snarl. But this was not the time. The black brute she had meet before came to the group and her heart sank.

Eyes fixated on the dark brute before her Sol's voice pulled them away. She looked up at Jupiter calmly. Internally she squirmed at being called out infront of the others, for not being able to even voice her reasoning. Her eyes flashed like a burning fire. But Symphony had never been one to step up for herself, she voice her opinions or feelings. She simply looked away and bowed her head down. But Atlas already knew how his friend was. They had spoken of her travels to the packs."Dear Sol, celestrail beauty, Symphony only had good intentions for the pack. She had wish to speak with you in private on the matters on what she has learn and gather for you. She did not know these risks. Can you truely blame a wolf, new to Alacritis for not knowing past historys with packs and wolves?" Alas said after flying to stand in the middle of the group. His golden feathers fluffed out nervously. He did not like being in the center of so many wolves. Symphony stared at Atlas with concern and almost horror. What would the Sol do or say now? And the others? No doubt though she would fight to protect her friend. There was this odd bond between the two, like two pieces finally put together. They belonged together.
