
Finding our places

Venom ♥


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-06-2023, 05:31 PM
It was hard to believe that these halls and rooms had once seemed so big to Rogue. The Klein prince strode with a bit of his father's usual swagger down the corridors of the Ashen palace, relishing the quiet autumn evening. Though summer had only just departed, autumn was making its presence known in bold, bombastic ways, with the nights cooling off to the point where many of the seasonal blooms had already begun to recede. That did little to deter the yearling from exploring his home and following the paths that had long-since become familiar to his paws. The once small pup now stood at his sire's height, his frame still lean and lanky with much more growing and filling in to happen as he progressed towards adulthood, but there would be little doubt that Rogue would eventually become a wolf similar to his father. Ashen was in full wedding preparation mode, readying for the upcoming nuptials of his half-sister and her betrothed. Rogue quite fancied the idea of a big party, eager to get to meet some of his parents' more influential friends and acquaintances. Diplomacy and pack relations were something the boy had shown great interest in.

Tonight, Rogue felt oddly at a loss. He wasn't quite sure what to do with himself. Sure, he could have gone with the hunting parties to help gather food for the wedding reception, but hunting had never been a great passion of his. The boy's interests laid much more in the social realm, as well as the things he could craft and create with his paws, and of course on the field of battle. Rogue eventually meandered his way out of the palace and into the cool moonlit evening, drinking in the silver-veiled nocturnal world he had known since birth. He still had yet to see the Empire's former lands, but he could not deny the pride that stirred in his heart whenever he looked out on the ravine or the lake and knew that his family was back in their rightful home.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.

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1. Finding our places Cryer's Ravine 05:31 PM, 07-06-2023 02:53 AM, 02-13-2024