


10-27-2013, 01:57 AM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2013, 02:05 AM by Deteste.)

A minute moment of silence would follow the man's words and the weight of what was spoken would cause the air among the mangroves to grow dense. The patter of his heart would thunder within his chest as the tension rose, Song's heart broken words piercing the silence like broken glass and Jupiter's terse display of restraint piercing the man's otherwise stoic affect increasingly poisoned by anger as the time fleeted by. Yet he was quick to consider the few opinions that had brewed regarding the war, addressing them with a final statement, punctuated by honesty and an authoritative tone. Ludicael is not a pack of fighters. Ludicael would be ill prepared to rush into war at this time. It is Jupiter whom has protected this realm. Glance upon her now, bloodied and bruised in the aftermath of another personal sacrifice to preserve this pack. It is romantic to volunteer yourself for war but it is not wise and violence is not beautiful. There are many young among you. I urge you all to preserve the life here. He hoped that his words would quell any interests in the war and the passion that had decorated his tongue would only amplify the truth of what he had spoken.

Silence fell again and the passion that had arisen with his speech now slid from the man's jaws and down his throat like a powerful, poisonous drink. For he followed Jupiter's sharp gaze towards the woman he held in his convictions and the anger that blossomed within him would spread like a fever through his body. It was not common for Deteste to feel such utter dislike for another being. He was in any other case a collected and understanding man but he could not forgive this woman's trespasses against Medusa and, to some extent, Jupiter for the sol was a martyr in the man's eyes. And to be a vice of the black, scarred man was a dangerous position indeed. He would stand as the unknowing iscariot's companion would flutter among them, his muscles tensing and propelling him a league forward as he spoke in defense of Symphony.

No, the man would speak, eyes trained with scrutinizing wrath as they settled upon the bird. but you can blame a wolf for insubordination, the word would echo a short distance, amplified by his conviction, but you can blame a wolf for arrogance, and above all you can blame this woman for dishonesty. He would pause, letting the words sear themselves into the thin air about the crowd before speaking his final words. I have seen your ill placed judgements for Medusa, for the Sol, in your expressions and in your actions. In a place that was not your own and you would disregard well-intended advice for the sake of your own, fabricated convictions. And after it all you would not have the decency to speak the truth of it to the Sol. Jupiter may do with you what she will, but I assure you, you will not again be a threat to Medusa. Nor will you again be a traitor to Ludicael. For I will see to it myself if necessary. His breath would leave him heavily after the speech, his cold eyes trained now upon the woman he intended to damn.