


10-27-2013, 02:03 AM
Midnight waited counting to the beats of her heart as around her the battle ebbed and flowed, ten beats passed and still no challenge was forthcoming bearing her teeth in a snarl she turned surveying the field if no one wanted her blood then she would just have to go take theirs, it was not the most poetic sentiment but her mind was focused on other things. Her eyes settled on a pair to the right locked together in combat she recognised the old male, his coat a pattern of browns black and whites littered with past scars, but not the white and grey female with the black tail, whose back was to her. A vicious smile crossed Midnights face as she took her first steps, here was her first target.

Midnights ears stayed down and she stayed low as she moved, her tail tucked, her vision tightened as she got closer ignoring the continuing battle that raged around them, she moved as if heading for a different battle then two metres from the fight she broke into a sprint changing her direction slightly so that now there was no mistaking her target. The girl was not much larger then she and so when she reached the dame Midnight did not have to rear much, her strike was aimed for the dames neck, and with any luck she would hit the dame shoulder digging her teeth into the thinner fur of the upper neck and through it to the muscle beneath. if she hit elsewhere she would try to hold tight hoping surprise would make the dame release the male .

Her forelegs hit the ground after her attack and she shored up her stance once more swinging her body so it lay along side the dames facing the same direction as the girl, Midnights claws dug down into the earth and the muscles in her legs tensed causing her to lower her body slightly dropping her centre of gravity once more. Her ears and tail had yet to rise as she shifted her head slightly trying to make eye contact with her comrade.

Midnight and Bronze Vs. Lova for Seige

Round 1 / Infinite

Defences:| Eyes narrowed, head lowered over his chest to protect her throat, claws digging into ground, low centre of gravity, flattened ears, tail tucked, Body swung away from opponents jaws.

Attacks:: lunge at opponents right side, aims to bite into the top of lova's neck behind her head

Injuries: None

KO's Achieved: 0/5
