
Wake Me Up When September Ends



8 Years
10-27-2013, 09:11 AM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2013, 09:27 AM by Oracle.)
OOC:: Oracle has panosteitis, its basicly servere growing pains with a side of fever. Just thought i would mention becouse Merci would probably have treated her for it. If you want to know more heres the web page i am using

Oracle was worried, she had not seen her parents in three days her siblings in two and the beach bellow her perch at the cave den mouth was empty, fear made her anxious and she paced the small doorway backwards and forward again and again overhead the day was grey and overcast. She wanted to go inside and curl up in a big ball of fur like she used to but the den was cold and as quiet as the beach below.

Oracle was one year old her paws and ears nearly matching her frame, she was tall and lanky having shot up in the past few months to a hight that only her fathers genes could explain, it had no been a fun experience and she still remembered the pain, and feared she had more to suffer. Her muscles where still lacking however though her winter coat had started to appear adding a little shape to her frame. She paused in her pacing, as a slight noise broke the silence she sniffed the air as one of the wolves had taught her testing it for the well know scents of her family, but there was nothing but the stale scent from the den. She let out a sigh that bordered on a whimper there was nothing here, she let her shoulders slump and curled in on herself.

The noise came again breaking through her momentary melancholy and this time she managed to pinpoint its source. The den further along the rock shelf still held life, in her fear and disoriantation she had forgotten about Aunt Mercianne and her sons and daughter sheltering not ten meters distant, for a moment longer she sat waiting then taking a deep breath she stood once more and shifted carefully along the ledge between the dens maybe Aunt Merci would know what was going on and what to do. This den was smaller dug for the smaller dame and her children she paused at the entrance she could not know for sure who she would find in the hollow but at this point she needed the company. Ducking slightly to fit inside she had grown a lot in the past year she peered into the den, it was dark inside and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust, ? aunt Merci?? she queried, uncertainty and fear clear in her voice, ?can I,? her voice stuttered a bit and she cleared her throat, ?can I talk to you please?? she could see the woman now and wondered if the other yearlings where sleeping at the back she kept her voice low just in case. She liked them all well enough but right now her ears where pressed against her scalp her head carried low, with none of the pride Gargoyle had taught her, in that moment it did not matter that she had grown so that she rivalled the dams own hight because for that second she was nothing more or less then a scared pup seeking reassurance.