
sometimes at night i let it get to me




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
07-11-2023, 10:11 AM
Tate's second birthday had come, what a weird thought. Two whole years, though it would be some time before he actually grew into himself. That was fine, actually. He'd be able to rely on his baby face and boyish good looks for probably a while longer. Two years old, still in firm possession of a babyface and some puppy fat. A chubby boy, but that's fine. Tate considered his reflection for a long moment in the still water ahead of the dam. Looking at himself, considering the angles of his jaw and the way his large eyes set into his head. Was he more handsome than cute? Not yet. Soon, he could hope. But not yet.

If he was going to be rugged and handsome, then he'd need a few more scars too. Tate thought about the raid, thought about the stupid girl that had come at him with her antlers. Thought about the stupid boy who thought he could take him. Thought about how fucking good it felt to crack some skulls. Eagerly, Tate was waiting for the next time. Maybe they could even go on the offense, the next time. Now that Tate knew that going for blood, going for real blood was an option, there was no telling what he'd do.

Well, there was some telling what he'd do, in general. Tate had acquired a fondness for cannabis, and a fondness for wandering. Getting stoned and taking long walks, trying to see what he could see. Prone to wandering as he was, it wasn't a surprise that he'd chosen a path that would incentivize that. The young man is a watcher, of sorts. An observer. Taking in what he could, and trying to learn what he could about the other packs that called this place home. Today had been a wandering sort of day. Shifting power, shifting tides, shifting sands. There was always something. After a long day of tracking down those somethings, Tate figured he should set up camp.

Starting a small campfire, starting to make dinner, and smoking a bowl for himself out of a little rough hewn pipe. Beginning to relax by the water, and starting to settle in as the sun hung low on the horizon. Just a boy and his dog, what more could they ask for?

[Image: 47115661_1aV6ZXJ7TGVIqbU.gif?1648164468]

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1. sometimes at night i let it get to me Aspen Dam 10:11 AM, 07-11-2023 10:18 PM, 12-01-2023