
Come Gather 'Round People

Fight Training!


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
07-11-2023, 05:21 PM

Andy releases the call, inviting others to join her for a lesson before seating herself in the middle of the sand covered ring. The first to appear is an older pup who introduces herself as Callie. The lavender girl smiles and says, “Thank you for coming Callie. I hope you will enjoy the lesson.” Next to appear is a fluffy pup, one of the newest litter, who introduces himself and his raven companion. Smiling, Andy says, “Hello Nelu. Hello Aster. We will begin the lesson shortly.” Next to appear was a dark girl who does not introduce herself and, instead, arrives with flare. A shake of her head is given to Ember (thankfully, Briar had introduced Andy to the beans when they were small) and she says, “Thank you for gracing us with your presence.” It is said in a teasing tone but a wink is offered as she takes a seat with her brother.

The group grows as yet another pup arrives, this one named Vendrick, to plunk down beside his showboating sister. With a soft laugh she greets him, “Thank you for coming Vendrick. We aren’t starting without you. I promise.” Next to appear was Solaire, his tan legs covered with mud and it even speckles his slate colored coat. He plops down between Nelu and Callie and Andy warmly greets him, “Hello Solaire. What have you been up to today?” Unvoiced humor tickles the words, making them bright and happy. Bramble appeared next, taking her spot between Callie and herself and Andy offers the girl a warm smile. Her tail thumps the sand covered ground as she replies, “Bramble! Thanks for coming! We need to go on an adventure before I leave.” Eyes sparkle with mischief as she offers the girl a wink.

To round out the group, an older pup appears, her monochrome colors shining in the sunlight. As she seats herself, Andy says, “Thank you for coming.” A bright smile is offered and the dusty purple girl allows her eyes to roam over the group for a moment. Finally, when she is certain no one else is going to join them, Andy stands up and clears her throat to draw everyone’s attention to her. Once she them, Andy begins, “Thank you all for coming! My name is Andromeda Fatalis but please, call me Andy. Some of you might know that I am Briar’s sister but, if you don’t, you do now.” The smile is bright as she offers a soft laugh her eyes sweeping the group once more. With so many in the group, Andy decides to switch up her lesson plan a little.

With a soft hum, she says, “Okay. Today we are going to learn about attacks! Since we have so many of you here, I think you should all pair up to practice. When I call your names, take your partner and find some space in the ring. We don’t want to run into each other when we fight! First up, Ember and Solaire.” As the pair meet up and move off, Andy calls the next pair, “Nelu and Vendrick.” Allowing them to gather and move off, she then calls, “Bramble and… uh…” She looks to the one girl she doesn’t have a name for (Elowen) and says, “I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.” Once it is given, Andy ushers over Bramble and shoos off the pair. Finally, she looks to Callie and says, “You’re with me.”

The girl bounces up and they find a spot in the ring. Excusing herself for a moment, Andy walks a circuit around the pairs as she explains, “You might notice that all the pairs have a taller and a shorter wolf.” True, the newest litter is nowhere near the heights they will eventually reach but, even now, there is starting to be a difference between the pups. Continuing on, she says, “Now, I want you each to take turns and point out a spot you would try to attack on your partner and explain why. Here, watch me.” Returning to Callie, she offers the girl a warm smile while walking up to her. As she goes, she says, “Since I am taller, an easy spot to reach would be Callie’s scruff.” Coming to a stop next to the girl, Andy points out the back of Callie’s neck before saying, “Everyone understand the instructions?”

Once they all give their approval, she nods, dropping her paw back to the earth and saying, “Alright, talk with your partner. I will be coming around to check in with each group. Remember, to have fun!” As the pairs begin to talk, Andy looks back at Callie and asks, “Where would you try to attack?” Once Callie picks her spot and explains, the older girl offers her praise before beginning to make her around to each group, checking in as she goes.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.

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1. Come Gather 'Round People Amron's Castle 08:30 PM, 06-24-2023 05:12 PM, 01-21-2024