
Silveris Latchme


10-27-2013, 12:55 PM
OOC Name: Croatoan
How did you get here?: Been here
Age: 16

Character's Name: Silveris Latchme
Age: Pup
Season of birth: Summer
Size: 24 inches
Appearance description: The first thing you notice about Silveris Latchme is that she is a tiny little pup, even for her age. But she isn't just small, she is taller and longer than she is wide, even with her fluffy puppy fur. But moving even deeper than that, if you look close enough-no, not close enough; you just have to see her to see her problem. Now, you may or may or may not believe me, but Silveris looks malnourished and starved. And she really is.

Her head droops until it is almost on the ground, her ears ever so slightly flattened. Foam drips from her mouth from lack of water. Her fur is all over the place, and matted with blood and other things. Her once raised tail droops miserably, dragging the ground. Her tiny ribs are showing, along with every other bone. Her body shows signs of just going out, just falling to the ground and laying there. Silveris walks with a limp from scratched pads. But, the worst thing is not any of this. If you look at her, into her eyes, you will find them empty of the life, the spark, the reason to live, they once had.

But if you would take care of her, you would see a beautiful pup. Even right now, she is beautiful. Her fur is a brown just a little darker than caramel, but it looks caramel in the light. This goes around her eyes, with no way to stop the endless flow of brown. Except.....Paws that look light brown would end up being a beautiful white, a snow white, a unbroken white. Her fur is very long and clean, and she may even let you heal her paws. The once tender pink skin would become slightly darker.

Eyes would seem to get lighter, even though they wouldn't, full of the life and love they had before. Finishing off the touch of beauty, the final brushstroke, is the eye color. Silveris will have two bi colored eyes; the darkest sky blue, and the lightest mint green, the blue eye being her left eye and the green being her right. This may look odd, but still is beautiful, nonetheless.

Too bad she doesn't look like that now.

Duty: Not yet. :D

Pup Buying Link {CLICK!}