
Growing up, taking responsibility




Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-15-2023, 12:27 PM

His attack would follow through, and unfortunately that meant that he was going to have a hell of a headache later. Charlie’s head would connect with Sirius’ fangs and he felt his vision darken around the edges for a moment. Oof! It wasn’t enough to completely disorient him completely, but it broke his focus. The snarls and growls of Yorrick below the warlord as the snow leopard tried to grab for him were heard, and as the fisher attempted to dodge away from the other companion’s grab, he actually ended up slamming into Charlie’s leg. The yearling’s leg gave in and, a moment later, was grabbed by Sirius’ own. But the real break in his focus would come from Silveris’ distressed cries as she was grabbed. She hadn’t realized that Marshall was only seeking to grab her, and that was enough to have Charlie give in completely.

“Stop! Silveris! Silveris are you okay!?” Forfeiting the match the boy broke away from his father and the companions in a stumbling motion, gaze frantically shooting to the sky. Seeing the smaller bird in Marshall’s claws was alarming, but seeing that he wasn’t actually doing more than that allowed the yearling to breathe in relief. His gaze would flick to his father and he gave the man an apologetic smile. “S-Sorry… I got worried she was really in danger…” He had gotten so wrapped up in the seriousness of the battle he had almost forgotten who he was fighting. His father certainly wouldn’t have allowed his companions to hurt his own. Ah well, he’d at least shown what he was capable of, and by backing down it wouldn’t be enough to get the higher rank, but that was okay. He had shown he was capable of  supporting the Armada and, for now, he was sure that would be enough.

"Speech," 'Thought.'