
A rose can never lie


10-27-2013, 01:37 PM

When words slipped from the scarred fae's inky lips, the cat like she wolf nodded, turning her delicate cranium to gaze out into the snow filled lands that surrounded their home.

"Interesting enough. I was kicked outta my pack too, probably not for the same reasons as yourself." She muttered, her memory taking her to that faithful day, when her pack finally decided they'd had enough of her. She remembered the fear, the pain, and the firm resolution in her heart when the blow were landed. She would never love, she would no longer let her heart feel anymore, she would use her body as a tool, and then take it away from those who wanted her enough, so they could feel just a smidgeon of the pain she did that day. Why she took her anger out on others, no one could understand, not even the sultry black demon herself. A twisted chuckle would escape her throat, and she turned to face Ryouta, her exotic optics meeting with the dark she wolf's own as a silky purr fell from ebony lips.

"I guess that's something we have in common." She said, her long tail twitching to stir up the fur on her right front ankle, a gesture that would bare hidden scars if one truly looked. Waiting for a response, or for the she wolf to lose interest, she returned her bi coloured gaze to the frozen lands around them.
