
Hoo hoo... who?



The Hallows

Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (175)

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-16-2023, 01:48 PM
Usually it was her father that went with her on her excursions out of the pack lands–and occasionally Rogue for short trips now that they were yearlings–but today she had the special treat of setting off with her mother beside her. They hadn't been out exploring together since the day that they had found the jackal that was now her near-constant companion and tonight she had her sights set on the near by Estuary. It was just outside of their borders so she certainly could have slipped out to take a look around on her own, but her mother was free and she always took a chance to spend some quality time with her mother when it was available. It was early in the evening still with the sun having just set a little bit ago so there was plenty of time to wander around as much as they wanted.

"There must be plenty of birds around here to have a name like Avian Estuary, huh?" she mused with a chuckle as they neared the fringes of the marshy wet land. Whenever she patrolled the border that met up with the edges of the Estuary she could always hear a whole symphony of bird song in the distance. Now though, with the colder weather moving in and with the dark of night settling in around them, it was more quiet with just a few caws and trilling bird noises cutting through occasionally. Stepping around the stretches of water and at least attempting to stick to the solid ground between them, Rebel scanned the trees they passed by in hopes of spotting any unusual or interesting birds that might be perched around them.

"Rebel Klein"

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1. Hoo hoo... who? Avian Estuary 01:48 PM, 07-16-2023 04:44 PM, 02-28-2024