
Forbidden Fruits

Saracyn <3


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
07-17-2023, 02:22 PM

Had Avacyn put up more of a genuine fuss over his interruption, Saracyn would have absolutely let her go back to her work. As it was, the moment he pulled her back into a mandatory snuggle he felt her body relax back against his, despite her swatting at his strong forelegs which only tightened around her in response. That moment she gave in was all the consent Sara needed to continue to feel her up, playfully trailing his large paws along the curves of her body and her slim, toned belly and sides, appreciating the natural feminine beauty she exuded. Ava explained how she had been working on a wedding gift for the Ashen princess, earning an intrigued hum from the dire brute, though his true focus was entirely on her and not the half finished project in front of them. His twin's assumption that he wasn't going to allow her to keep working on it earned her a sly grin and a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "As clever as you are beautiful, my queen," he said with a husky chuckle under his breath.

Without any warning, Saracyn suddenly hoisted Avacyn backwards off her paws and hefted her lithe frame up over his back, slinging her across his back in a primal masculine display. With a huge grin of playful mirth on his face, Saracyn carried Ava away from her workshop and through their den toward their bedchambers. "I've taken the liberty of freshening up our bed with more of those mink pelts you love so much, darling. Now we just need to break them in," he said with a sultry purr to his deep baritone voice, shooting her a lecherous look from over his shoulder to her. Stepping through the opening into their bedroom, Sara carefully tossed his beloved mate to the plush bedding, then turned to advance over her slowly like a hunter approaching his prey. Cerulean eyes gleamed with a barely contained desire and a frisky grin painted on his visage as his eyes roamed unabashedly over her form, eating up the sight of her spread out beneath him. Avacyn was so beautiful... the most beautiful wolf to ever grace this world. The Ancients had truly crafted her to be as flawless as a goddess, and he was made to be her man.

Climbing his way over top of his violet-coated twin, Saracyn wasted no time in bringing his muzzle down until their cheeks were brushing together. The softness and warmth of Avacyn's fur mingling with his sent little tingles racing up and down his spine. With his nose pressed into the side of her neck, Sara was able to drink in her scent and note every subtle little change in her pheromones—most notably the shift that told him she was entering her heat season once more. A quiver of lust shook his frame over top of hers, and like a feral beast, Sara continued to nuzzle into her neck, breathing in her scent like it was intoxicating him, and in a way it was. Giant paws moved to stroke along her sides from her ribs down to her hips, tracing every inch of skin in between. "Gonna beg me to stop, Matriarch...?" Sara spoke in a hushed growl against Ava's throat, sharp teeth nipping teasingly at her tender flesh. "Go on, tell me how much you need to keep working on your project..." The game enticed the crimson brute; a hunter and predator through and through, he relished the idea of the pursuit of getting Avacyn to succumb to him and admit her desires. He was prepared to tease and tempt her as long as it took.

"Avacyn & Saracyn"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
