
One Woman's Trash, Well You Know



07-17-2023, 07:44 PM
Time just kept going by and that fucker wasn't anywhere. No sign, not trace. If they were lucky he went and drowned out at sea. Though, that wouldn't have been entirely fun either. Vesta wouldn't have been fully driven for any kind of revenge really. She had her whole life played perfectly fine without a father up to now, and forever because if they ever found that drunk deadbeat he would still be no father to her. And she'd love toying with him. Suffering was fun. Maybe she knew the feeling maybe not. She felt like her life was great.

Deadbeat... drunk, how ironic. Well, she might have been a deadbeat had she had kids. She'd be a little more responsible than just leaving them in a ditch. If she liked them enough maybe she'd let them stick around. The thought was funny to her when it floated around in her head. She'd made it this far without any mistakes. Or, at least mistakes like that.

Not entirely wasted, but definitely feeling a little fuzzy and woozy, she tried her paw at a hunt. She was practiced in her inebriated state, though not enough today. The weather? The way the sun and stars aligned? Anything but the fact that the drink was the problem. It certainly wasn't that. Her dinner was chased across the plains and into the dense forests, and she'd finally give up once she couldn't tell what was meat and what was tree. The whole world moved in some kind of motion at least enough to where she couldn't tell the difference once she was in here. She sighed a harsh breath, stretching her shoulders with the raise of her neck. She'd have to head back to her camp to keep that booze running through her veins. Summer may have been over, but that was no reason to stop celebrating. Though she wasn't quite sure which way was out. And she may have ended up being stuck here all night until the hangover found her way home.

"Vesta Abraxas"