
One Woman's Trash, Well You Know




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

07-18-2023, 01:50 AM
R equiem was... not a happy wolf. In one fell swoop, it seemed as if the cruel hands of fate or some ill-spun joke of the gods had washed away all that he had worked so hard to build. Like a tsunami wiping a village off the map, everything he had known was gone. Mirovis, the Amarix family, his position of power, Lurid... Everything he had dedicated himself to supporting and serving gone up in smoke. Surely this was by design. No wolf could be so unlucky to have these misfortunes befall them one after the other. It had begun when Lurid fell ill, sick with some affliction that rendered her all but useless. He had stepped up to keep Mirovis in line, to keep the Amarixes together and hold back any who would try to usurp his queen's throne in her vulnerable state. But even he could not hold back the tides forever. One by one, the others left. Some simply disappeared, others tried to assassinate Lurid and take her place. They were swiftly and harshly dealt with, their bodies cold and buried beneath the ice now. But eventually, it was only him and the last ones loyal to Lurid.

W hen the pack challengers came, Requiem knew they had no choice. He sent Lurid away with the remnants of Mirovis to hide until she got better and could return. The possibility of her succumbing to her illness was not even a possibility in the brute's mind. No, she would recover and she would return. That had been half a season ago. Now, Requiem had no clue where Lurid or any of the others were. Mirovis had fallen, all but forgotten, replaced by whatever came next. Once more, he was on his own. Except this time, he had no purpose left to strive for. Aimless and angry, the crimson brute wandered the northern territories looking for any traces of Lurid, but every day he turned up nothing. His fury had claimed the lives of several innocent wolves and a number of prey animals just for something to take the edge off of his rage. Anything he could lash out at to vent the whirlwind of frustration and anger inside of him was a welcome reprieve.

T his early fall evening, that outlet happened to be in the form of a small deer running through the woods from... something. Requiem hadn't seen what was chasing it, but it didn't matter. The predator's natural instincts kicked in and he rushed like crimson lightning to strike the deer in motion, using his size and weight to bring it crashing to the ground with a furious snarl. The deer bellowed in panic, but that sound was swiftly cut off as powerful jaws locked around its throat just beneath its skull, crushing its windpipe and holding its mouth shut so it could do nothing but die in silence. Its legs kicked feebly against the ground. Requiem just shifted his weight to keep it held down, tasting the metallic tang of blood on his tongue while he choked his prey to death. He could have made this quick, but he didn't want it quick. He wanted the deer to suffer and allow him to exert more control over it. When it did finally expire, he dropped the carcass to the ground with a shuddering breath akin to the sigh of pleasure one would make after a night of passion. He rolled his shoulders, flexed his neck from side to side, then carried on trudging through the dark forest. He would need to make camp soon.

P assing through a clearing, the scent of a wolf reached his nostrils. Well, wolf and alcohol. Someone was having a good time it seemed. Argent eyes gleaming in the twilight, Req was considering just leaving the drunken sod alone having just slaked his bloodlust, but it seemed once again fate had other ideas, as the drunk sod in question appeared across the clearing. She was a small light-furred fae, alone from the looks of it and meandering about the woods. Req raised a brow; was she the one that had been hunting that deer? Well, now things were getting interesting... One lust was slaked, but a different sort of hunger was stirring within his core as he eyed her up, watching her from the shadows. She was a petite little thing, pretty and curvy in all the right places. Requiem hadn't bedded anyone in some time, not since Lurid got sick. Perhaps if he was lucky and she was terribly unlucky, that would end tonight. If not... well, killing was always a pleasure of its own. Prowling through the shadows after the intoxicated fae, Requiem studied her movements like a hunter stalking his prey. Only once he got within a few yards of her would he emerge from the brush, silver eyes fixated on her. "Don't you know it's dangerous to walk the forest alone at night? Especially not when you can't walk a straight line," he teased her in his silken tones, approaching slowly towards her with a crooked grin on his lips.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.