
the teenage boy you used to be




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (295)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

2 Years
Dire wolf

Double MasterStudentRapid Poster - Bronze1K
07-18-2023, 12:59 PM

Dread wasn't sneaking. He wasn't doing anything sneaky, nope, not at all. He'd simply told Mortis that he could find his way home on his own. It was true, he was going to go see a girl. A pirate girl. Something that Mort probably knew, something that Dread hadn't necessarily kept a secret. Not since he'd turned up at his own birthday party with the girl in tow. Not since he'd quietly helped Deluge and Gilgamesh slip away. Something that he wouldn't take ownership for, nope, Deluge had done that all on her own. Dread wasn't quite sure that anyone believed that, but he hadn't gotten into trouble for it... not yet. What was he doing? Oh, to be young and way more attached to a girl behind enemy lines than he should have been. It would be trouble when someone found out, when he inevitably got caught.

He washes up on the beach around noon, shaking the water from his dark pelt. He hadn't really decided exactly how he was going to get Deluge's attention now that he was here. Does he just... ask? It's what he'd done in Ethne, just days ago, but this was... different. This was a much different set of circumstances. He exchanges a look with Roan, his companion looking back with a shrug. "I didn't think I'd get this far, actually." The words are quiet, spoken with a lopsided grin. The little marsupial by his side rolled his eyes, already exasperated with the situation. Mostly, he wanted to go home.

"Do I just... ask for her?" Dread and his companion were spending an awful lot of time talking about it, and not a lot actually doing. They stood on the beach discussing, a light breeze picking up as they tried to sort out what they were going to do next.