
hey kids, want some skill points?

open fight training bc why not


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
07-18-2023, 03:53 PM

While this fight training is different that Andy had expected, the girl will be the first to admit that is highly effective. Normally, when she fights, the purple wolf is in the moment and relies solely on her instincts. Afterward, she does not dwell on the what ‘ifs’ and ‘should haves’ because they did not seem important. Now, as she sits with the group, reflecting on her last fight, the girl realizes just how important that self-reflection is. She listens as Hazel offers pointers to Dread and Charlie before looking to her and the girl offers a sheepish grin. Head bobs in understanding at the words that are given and she vows, to herself, that she will take more time to analyze her fights and attempt to learn from her mistakes.

A small smile is on her dusty lavender lips as Hazel opens the floor to them and her pale blue eyes move to her brother Dread as he speaks. At his request to spar with her more, Andy dips her head in agreement as she says, “Of course. I am always free to spar with my brothers.” As her head lifts, a warm smile breaks across her lips and she adds a wink for her quiet brother. Dread has always had a special spot in the girl’s heart because they both seem to prefer not to speak, but to observe. Truthfully, that tendency is one of the reasons that the girl decided to take the Trader route. Because she needed to push herself out of her comfort zone.

Taking a breath, the girl decides to offer Dread some advice, since that is what Hazel has asked of them. Her voice is gentle as she says, “When your opponent is smaller and faster, it helps to lock them in place. If you can’t do that physically because they are slippery, try using the terrain to your advantage.” A shy smile is flashed to her brother before she turns her attention to Charlie and she gives him a warm, comforting smile. All of her siblings are special to the girl and she loves them all fiercely.

Voice still soft, Andy offers, “For a single opponent, I suggest the same things I told Dread.” A paw lifts to gesture at their sibling, the smile on her lips never wavering as she continues on, “Now, when you face multiple enemies, I would like to add a suggestion; calling for help. There is no shame in knowing your limits and I would rather you come out of the fight unharmed than face unreasonable odds.” Her ears slick back for a moment as she admits that she worries her siblings and she hopes that Charlie will not take her advice as a slight but as what it is; a sister’s worry. With that the girl hopes that she did a good job and looks back to Hazel.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.