
the bearer of bad news

bramble seasonal



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
07-18-2023, 09:51 PM

Tate has been spending more time than usual traveling. Searching. Trying to live up to the title that his uncle had bestowed upon him. Trying to do his job, whatever that may look like. Learning what he could about the other packs. Watching them, waiting. Trying to gather information, and get to the bottom of… well, the bottom of whatever was going on. There had to be something more interesting brewing within these lands. After the Pirate raid on Tojo-kai, it seemed things within Auster had been quiet. It seemed, though Tate knew better than to take that at face value. He’d overseen the travel of his mother and youngest siblings up to the Armada, though his purpose in doing so was twofold. Yes, being able to help wrangle the pups and keep them safe was important. There was also the fact that the Armada’s marketplace was one of the best places he could go to trade in more than just goods.

It was within the Armada’s marketplace that he’d heard the whispers. The rumblings. The information that had pushed him home to Auster, by way of the eastern edge. Tate was on his way to see what he could see of Ethne, a pack that was allegedly in mourning. Their patriarch had recently passed away, and he wondered what that would mean for the pack. He planned to not cut it too close to the pack, but gather what information he could from a distance. Observe their comings and goings, figure out if they’d been thrown into turmoil, and learn if there was some sort of threat on Auster that they should know about. The rumors hadn’t offered a clear picture of exactly who or what was to blame for the patriarch’s downfall.

Suffice to say, Potato’s head was rather busy as he moved to the eastern edge of Auster. He didn’t give things much of another thought as he moved down to Fossil Ridge, wondering if this ought to be the spot he stopped to camp for the night. No, the young man was rather wrapped up in his own thoughts. It wasn’t until Kaiju began to growl at his side that Tate even registered something was amiss. His companion bristled, and the boy’s head snapped up. “Ah shit.”

The bear was running in their direction. Though Tate considered running for a split second, it was abundantly clear that he wouldn’t have that luxury. “‘ere we go.” He rolled his eyes, realizing that the bear’s gaze was fixed on the pair. Springing into action, Tate and Kaiju both leapt to meet the black bear. At least it wasn’t a grizzly, right? The two of them moving in practiced time, taking on the predator as it engaged with them. Tate was quick to go for what he could reach– in this case, the side of his neck. He lost sight of his companion in the thick of things, but that was okay. It wasn’t something new to them, it wasn’t something they hadn’t encountered before. Just annoying is all. Fending off a predator, fighting for their safety. Sure.

[Image: 47115661_1aV6ZXJ7TGVIqbU.gif?1648164468]

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1. the bearer of bad news Fossil Ridge 09:51 PM, 07-18-2023 01:24 PM, 09-27-2023