
a work of heart


Raiders Hollow
The Sawbone

Master Healer (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

3 Years
Dire wolf

1KSamhain 2022
07-19-2023, 01:02 AM

The telltale kekekekekeke of the boys masked lapwing kept him on track as he bounded over low lying broadleaf bromeliads, interspaced with ferns and nettles. The ground beneath those plants was moist and darker, small wells of water gathered in the centre of each plant. If he stopped for long enough to look, some of the plants housed tadpoles in different stages of metamorphosis.   He paused momentarily to nose at the brush that smelled familiar, the small greenish-white bell shaped flowers giving it away. He was almost certain this might be one of the plants that would help his mother sleep... He was certain she probably needed it.

He snatched at the string of flowers to add to his stash for consideration. He had plans to travel soon, and maybe he would encounter a healer that knew a bit more than he did and could give him some insight... But how would he swim it across back to the coast?

So wrapped up in his own thoughts, and distracted by the sights and sounds of this new place, he missed the newly cultivated garden and passed over the familiar plants from the gully, only stopping when Rivin called out to Modesty. Sakana froze instinctively, solomons seal still gripped gently between his teeth. The wife was familiar with plants, but more for ritualistic purposes from memory... Maybe she would be the best one to ask?


the rougher the seas the smoother we sail

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1. a work of heart Daager Isle 06:03 PM, 06-25-2023 06:18 AM, 11-05-2023