
burn through the witches


10-27-2013, 02:05 PM
OOC: I know it's late, and I'm suuuuper sorry, but I kinda forgot about the meeting...

The dark creature listened intently, the praise from her beloved Queen did not go without a tiny, seductive grin passed between them. A job for her? How wonderful, it would give her the chance to sharpen her skills and break some hearts in the process. She nodded in understanding, watching the rest of the group, exotic eyes moving from face to face, searching out the trustworthy and the disloyal, putting the information to memory. When the brutish woman spoke of someone being needed to organize hunts and train fighters, there was an opportunity presented to gain ranking, get higher up in the food chain, the pecking order. When no one leapt to take the chance, the demoness let her silky purr of a voice fall from inky black lips. "Since no one else has decided to take up the torch, I will offer to organize hunts, if such assistance is needed of me." She told the Empress, grinning as she called out everyone on their mistake. Her tail tip twitched, her dual toned optics glimmering with mirth, the joy of antagonizing the women who claimed loyalty to the pack. She waited for what would come next, the anticipation whirling in her brain as she waited for the look of disappointment to cross Canttina's face as she realized she had placed her trust in women who were unworthy of it. How horridly funny.
